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Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

Battery Life is Short

The battery on the camera dies quickly.

The Battery dies rapidly

Make sure that your battery is fully charged by checking the battery level in the top left corner. If it is not fully charged, recharge it by turning off the camera by plugging in AC power adapter into the socket on the cradle. Plug the entire AC power adapter into an outlet and then set the camera on the cradle in the designated area described on the cradle.

Faulty Battery

Check to see if your battery has any obvious damage. This can be caused by being left in hot temperatures or excessive usage. If the battery is damaged, order a replacement battery. Eject the old battery by opening the battery compartment and loading the new one (placeholder link) .

Issues with Camera Lens

The camera lens is not in good condition and your images are not good quality and appear blurry or grainy.

Lens Manual Focus is not on its appropriate setting

Ensure that the camera lens is clean. If it is not, clean with camera lens cleaner. If the camera lens is clean, adjust the exposure settings. Improve manual focus for quality photos by changing the settings with the Photo Mode button located above and to the right of the 4-direction button (placeholder link).

The shutter speed is not fast enough

Ensure that the camera lens is clean. If it is not, clean with camera lens cleaner. If the camera lens is clean, adjust the exposure settings. Increase shutter speed and turn on forced flash to change aperture settings with the Photo Mode button located above and to the right of the 4-direction button (placeholder link).

Damaged Lens

Ensure that the camera lens is clean. If it is not, clean with camera lens cleaner. If the problem is more severe and there is physical damage to the lens (i.e. it is scratched or there is water damage) the lens will need to be replaced. This can be done by following the repair guide (placeholder link).

Lens Barrier won’t slide

The cover on the lens is stuck and won’t easily slide.

Lens Barrier is stuck open

The Lens Barrier being stuck open could be caused by a foreign object being wedged underneath. Disassemble the lens cover, remove the object, and reassemble the camera by following this repair guide (placeholder link).

Faulty Cable Attachment

If the lens cable connector is broken or has come off the camera, replace the connector to allow easier sliding of the cover by following these repair steps (placeholder link).

Screen Isn’t Responding

The camera screen is black or will not respond to touch.

Faulty LCD Screen

Ensure that the camera is charged and not on Powersave mode. If the camera is charged and on, a faulty LCD Screen could be caused by a scratch or water damage. Also, trauma to the camera could cause the screen to shatter. In any of these cases, the screen will need to be replaced. This could be done by following the steps in the guide (placeholder link).

The Battery Access Door won’t work

The battery access door is not opening/closing correctly.

Cracked Battery Access Door

If the Battery Access Door is damaged, buy a replacement piece and exchange the cracked piece with the new one. Follow steps in the guide (placeholder link) to remove the damaged door and replace it.

Missing or faulty spring and rod

If spring or rod are damaged or loose, the battery access door may not operate correctly. In order to fix this, buy a new set and follow these steps in the repair guide (placeholder link) to have a secured access door.

Unresponsive Display

The display on the camera is frozen.

Damaged Control Buttons

If the control buttons are permanently stuck, there mayy be something wedged in the hole. Remove the damaged display control buttons by unscrewing the back casing of the camera and battery holder. Then find the damaged or stuck display control button and push it back into place. Re-screw back case and battery holder to front of camera. Fix stuck display control buttons using this repair guide (placeholder link).


Member since: 01/30/18

533 Reputation

4 Guides authored


Baylor, Team S2-G4, Johnson Spring 2018 Member of Baylor, Team S2-G4, Johnson Spring 2018


3 Members

8 Guides authored


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