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Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

Device Will Not Power On

The device will not respond or show any sign of powering up.

Insufficient Charge

Ensure the device has sufficient battery levels before turning on the device. Use the included power cable and outlet plug-in to charge the device.

Faulty Battery

If the device cannot hold a charge or no indication of the device charging when plugged in, then the battery may be faulty. Replacement of the battery can be found in this guide.

Microphone Does Not Register Sound

The device will not respond to sound or cannot register voice.

Microphone Records Distorted Sound

If the device records distorted or lagging sound, make sure dirt is not muting the device. Use this guide to remove back panel of device. Use standard compressed air to clean microphone, then return device to original state by putting the back panel on. If problem persists you may have a faulty microphone.

Faulty Microphone

If the device cannot register sound through video chat, calls, or other purposes; the microphone may be faulty. Replace the microphone using this guide.

Inoperative Camera

The camera app will not load, or only a blank screen appears.

Corrupt camera-app files

If the camera app does not load after touching the camera icon, the camera app may need to be uninstalled then reinstalled. To uninstall the camera app, select the Apps icon. In Apps, select the camera app. Once selected, select the option button labeled "Uninstall". Allow the device a moment to execute this process. To reinstall the camera app, select the camera app in Apps, then select the "Install" option provided. Alternatively, install a new camera app found in Apps. Once you find the camera app you wish to install, select this camera app. On the page for this camera app select "Install". Allow a moment for the app to install.

Faulty Camera

If a blank gray or black screen shows up after starting the camera app, then the camera may be faulty. To replace the camera follow this guide.

Device Does Not Load Past Startup

The device will not load past the HP symbol.

Operating System is Frozen

The device may need a hard reboot. To perform a hard reboot, press and hold the power button for at least eight seconds. This shuts down the tablet. After allowing the tablet to rest for a few seconds, turn the device on again by pressing the power button.

Software Needs Restored

If the hard reboot does not allow you to load past the startup page, you may need to restore factory settings. There is a step-by-step explanation of how to restore factory settings on HP's support forum.

Device Will Not Charge

The device fails to charge or reliably hold a charge

Incorrect Usage of Cables

The tablet comes with two USB cables, one for the keyboard and one for the tablet. Use the USB AC adapter and the correct cable to charge the tablet. Be careful not to use the keyboard charging cable when charging the tablet. The charging cable for the tablet is the thicker, rougher cable. Plug your device into a power source using the tablet charger cable. Please allow the tablet to charge for a moment. Watch for an indicator on the screen to verify the battery is charging.

Battery Deterioration

Batteries can deteriorate. It could be handling, charging behavior, and/or an environmental issue. If the device is stored in very cold or hot conditions this could accelerate the problem. If you believe this is the issue, follow this link to see how to replace your batteries.


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