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Revision to 2012 Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Troubleshooting

Bryan Fernandez

''It won't turn on after pressing power button/black display.''
-=== Charge the battery ===
+=== Depleted battery ===
Before taking apart the Galaxy Note 10.1, make sure to check to see if the battery is charged. This is done by plugging the charger into the wall. If the battery charging symbol shows up, wait until charged and try to turn it on again. If the symbol doesn't show up, try a different charger.
-=== Replace the Battery ===
+=== Faulty battery ===
-If your Galaxy Note 10.1 still won't turn on, or if the battery is drained very quickly, you may have to [guide|30608|replace the battery].
+If your Galaxy Note 10.1 still won't turn on, the battery gets drained very quickly, or won't charge, you may have to [guide|30608|replace the battery].
-=== Replace the Display ===
+=== Faulty display ===
-It is possible that the display not working. Try to check to see if the device is on. If the device is on, it should be able to plug into any laptop or computer via USB and check if a device is recognized. If the device is recognized, the display is probably bad and needs to be [guide|30956|replaced].
+It is possible that the display doesn't work. Try to check to see if the device is on. If the device is on, it should be able to plug into any laptop or computer via USB and check if a device is recognized. If the device is recognized and the display shows no activity even when trying to interact with the tablet, the display is probably bad and needs to be [guide|30956|replaced].
== SD card unexpectedly removed ==
''The SD card's contents are no longer accessible on your device.''
-=== Clean the microSD card ===
+=== microSD card contacts are dirty ===
-Remove the SD card from the Galaxy Note 10.1, and clean it with a soft, dry cloth. Also clean the SD slot, this is usually done by an can of dust remover. Check the slot for corrosion, rust, or water damage. After that, insert the SD card and make sure the SD card properly fitted.
+Remove the SD card from the Galaxy Note 10.1, and clean the contacts with a soft, dry cloth. Also clean the SD slot, this is usually done by using a can of dust remover. Check the slot for corrosion, rust, or water damage. After that, insert the SD card and make sure the SD card properly fitted.
-=== Replace the microSD card ===
+=== Faulty microSD card ===
-Remove the SD card again and see if your computer or laptop read it. If it can be read, save all files to your computer. Once this is done you will have to purchase a new SD card.
+Remove the microSD card again and see if your computer or laptop can read it. If it can be read, save all files to your computer. Once this is done you will have to replace the microSD card to ensure avoiding losing data from the use of failing hardware.
-=== Replace the microSD port ===
+=== Faulty microSD port ===
If the device repeatedly fails to properly interface with microSD cards, you may have to [guide|30954|replace the microSD port].
''There is a lack of audio quality when listening to things through the internal speakers on the tablet''
-=== Try other audio streams ===
+=== Low quality audio streams ===
-Listen to other audio files/sources to see if this is an issue with the quality of the audio stream.
+Listen to other audio files/sources that are known to sound well on other devices to see if this is an issue with the quality of the audio stream.
-=== Replace the Loud Speaker module ===
+=== Faulty Loud Speaker modules ===
-If this issue is not local to certain audio streams, try [guide|30955|replacing the loud speaker module].
+If this issue is not local to certain audio streams, or the devices fails to output any audio even when the speaker volume isn't muted, try [guide|30955|replacing the loud speaker modules].
== The back camera isn't working properly. ==
''The videos/images captured using the back camera are of subpar quality or completely absent.''
-=== Replace the back camera ===
+=== Dirty camera lens ===
-If the back camera is malfunctioning, try [guide|30615|replacing it].
+Try cleaning the exposed area of the back camera with a soft, dry cloth to remove potential residue.
-== The LCD display outputs a faulty image. ==
+=== Faulty back camera ===
+If the back camera is fails to produce images, or consistently produces images that are of poor quality even after cleaning the lens, the issue may be intrinsic to its build quality and it may need to be [guide|30615|replaced].
+== The LCD display outputs either a faulty image or no image at all. ==
''Your LCD display is no longer displaying things properly.''
-=== Check LCD display connection ===
+=== Poor LCD display connection ===
-If the LCD display is showing a faulty image, try [guide|99999999999|checking the connection] to the motherboard. If the LCD connector is found to be faulty, try [guide|99999999999|replacing it].
+If the LCD display is showing a faulty image or no image at all, try checking the connection (follow up to step 3 in [guide|30956|this] guide) to the motherboard. Check to see if the device is functional by plugging it in to a computer to see if the files are accessible. If the LCD connector is found to be faulty, it may need to be replaced.
-=== Replace the LCD screen ===
+=== Faulty LCD screen ===
If the LCD display still won't work, try [guide|30956|replacing it].

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