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Revision to Asus Zenbook UX31A Troubleshooting

Christopoher Orser

Computer is unresponsive to charging or won't turn on.
-=== Device manager ===
-Window device manager can tell you if there is any problem as this is indicate by yellow triangle next "Batteries ".the solution can be updating the device, undoing the update , uninstalling  and installing it again.
=== Faulty Charger: ===
If you try to charge your laptop and it powers on but only stays on while the charger is plugged in, you are experiencing a faulty battery. Replace the battery by following this guide.
-=== Replacement Requirements: ===
+== Fan Making Noise or Computer Gets Hot ==
-* Battery
-== Fan Making Noise or Computer Gets Hot ==
+Fans make excessive noise or no noise at all that results in the computer getting hot.
=== Dirty Fan: ===
If your fans are louder than usual when the computer is running and or you can't hear them at all, your fan may be faulty and you should replace the fan by following this guide.
-=== Background Programs/ tabs Running ===
+== Files Not Working or Corrupted Files On Drive ==
-Sometimes extra tabs are open or too many background apps are running could cause the computer to get hot. The solution of restarting or shutting down the computer will fix the problem.
+Unable to access or open files on your drive.
-Files Not Working or Corrupted Files On Drive:
+=== Faulty Hard Drive: ===
+If file corruption, "blue screen of death", and trouble opening files become common or unresolvable, you more than likely need to replace the hard drive. Replace the hard drive by following this guide.
+== Computer Screen Freezes or Runs Slowly ==
+Screen is less responsive than usual and has a hard time running normal programs.
+=== Virus or Malware: ===
+Your computer may have been infected with a virus or malware from the internet which can be causing your computer to run slowly. You should run a virus and malware check following this guide.
+=== Driver Updates: ===
+You may need to update your drivers to the most recent version. Update your drivers by following this guide.
+=== Computer Overheating: ===
+Refer to the "Fan Making Noise or Computer Gets Hot" section to diagnose issue.
+== Trackpad Not Working ==
+Mouse cursor doesn't move on screen when using the trackpad.
+=== Trackpad Not Enabled: ===
+Ensure that the trackpad is enabled in the settings of the computer. Check if enabled by following this guide.
+=== Trackpad Driver Not Updated: ===
+If the trackpad is already enabled and doesn't work then you may need to update its driver by following this guide.
+=== Faulty Trackpad: ===
+If all else fails, your trackpad may be faulty and should be replaced. Replace your trackpad by following this guide.
+== USB Port Doesn't Work ==
+Devices plugged into the computer via the USB port do not respond or connect.
+=== Faulty USB wire: ===
+If a device fails to connect via USB, try other USB devices in the computer. If the other devices connect successfully, your device may have a faulty USB wire. You should purchase a replacement USB wire, if wire is not replaceable you may need to replace the USB device.
+=== Faulty USB Port: ===
+If no devices can connect to the computer through the USB port and the USB wires are not the problem, you may have a faulty USB port. Follow the replacement guide here.

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