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Revision to Lenovo B575-1450 Troubleshooting

Nick Branson

=== Faulty power adapter ===
-If you notice that the charging indicator light on the laptop is flashing on and off, inspect power adapter cord to identify that there are no cuts into the wiring that won't allow the laptop to charge. If there are cuts in the power adapter wiring, consider replacing the power adapter. Not fixing this problem right away could cause damage to the laptop battery due to it only intermittently charging.
+If you notice that the charging indicator light on the laptop is flashing on and off, inspect power adapter cord to identify that there are no cuts into the wiring that won't allow the laptop to charge. If there are cuts in the power adapter's wiring, consider replacing the power adapter. Not fixing this problem right away could cause damage to the laptop battery due to it only intermittently charging.
If a damaged cord is not the issue, then check to make sure that the power adapter is plugged in. If power adapter is properly plugged in then make sure the charging indicator is on. If the indicator is not on, and the power adapter is plugged in, the adapter is faulty. Consider purchasing a new power adapter.
=== Faulty battery ===
-Make sure the power adapter is plugged into an outlet and the laptop properly. If the computer powers on only when the power adapter is plugged in, check the battery icon on the laptop display to see if battery is charging. Put you cursor over the battery icon and if the message says "Plugged in but not charging" and the power adapter is fine, then the device battery may be faulty. Consider purchasing a new laptop battery and using this guide.
+Make sure the power adapter is plugged into an outlet and the laptop properly. If the computer powers on only when the power adapter is plugged in, check the battery icon on the laptop display to see if battery is charging. Put your cursor over the battery icon and if the message says "Plugged in but not charging" and the power adapter is fine, then the device battery may be faulty. Consider purchasing a new laptop battery and using this guide.
== Keys or keyboard is unresponsive ==
=== Faulty keyboard ===
-Make sure that drivers for the key board are up to date. Once drivers are updated then next, check to make sure that there are no small objects such as food blocking the keys from being pressed down. If there is blockage, consider purchasing some keyboard cleaner spray to get ride of the blockage. After cleaning the keyboard and still no response, consider replacing the keyboard. Also, make sure that no liquid was spilt on the keyboard because this could cause a short. If liquid has been spilt on the keyboard and the keys are unresponsive, then the entire keyboard may be faulty. Consider replacing keyboard with this guide.
+Make sure that drivers for the key board are up to date. Once drivers are updated then next, check to make sure that there are no small objects such as food blocking the keys from being pressed down. If there is blockage, consider purchasing some keyboard cleaner spray to get ride of the blockage. After cleaning the keyboard, if still no response, consider replacing the keyboard. Additionally, make sure that no liquid was spilled on the keyboard because this could cause a short. If liquid has been spilled on the keyboard and the keys are unresponsive, then the entire keyboard may be faulty. Consider replacing keyboard with this guide.
=== Keys are missing ===
=== Hard drive error ===
-If RAM is replaced and computer is still running slow, freezes or computer crashes frequently, the hard drive may need replaced. Damage to the hardware of the hard drive can be caused by the laptop overheating, dropping the laptop, or getting it wet. If the damage to the hard drive is physical, consider replacing the hard drive.
+If RAM is replaced and the computer is still running slowly, freezing, or crashing frequently, the hard drive may need to be replaced. Damage to the hardware of the hard drive can be caused by the laptop overheating, dropping the laptop, or getting it wet. If the damage to the hard drive is physical, consider replacing the hard drive.
Another cause of hard drive error is damage to the software. If corrupt files were downloaded or if malware has infected the software of the hard drive, you may be able to recover the hard drive through a recovery disk. If you contact Lenovo with the make and model of the device, they will send the appropriate recovery disks needed. If the disks do not recover the information on the hard drive, consider using a hard drive recovery service.
=== Damaged screen ===
-If screen is noticeably damaged and you can't identify what is being displayed because of discoloration, then screen needs to be replaced.
+If screen is noticeably damaged and you can't identify what is being displayed because of discoloration, then the screen needs to be replaced.
=== Disabled display ===
-If laptop is turned on, but display screen is black, then check to see if brightness is turned up. If screen is still black , Screen might be disabled, To enable screen, press "Fn" on the keyboard followed by "F2". This should fix the display.
+If the laptop is turned on but the display screen is black, then check to see if the brightness is turned down. Navigate to the control panel on your computer and turn up the brightness. If screen is still black, it might be disabled, To enable the screen, press and hold the "Fn" key on the keyboard followed by "F2". This should fix the display.
== Computer will not boot up ==
''After turning on the computer does not go to the operating system''
+=== Not enough RAM ===
+If the computer performs basic functions slowly or crashes while attempting to do basic functions, you may have bad RAM or insufficient RAM. Replace RAM on your computer.
=== Faulty hard drive ===
Another cause of hard drive error is damage to the software. If corrupt files were downloaded or if malware has infected the software of the hard drive, you may be able to recover the hard drive through a recovery disk. If you contact Lenovo with the make and model of the device, they will send the appropriate recovery disks needed. If the disks do not recover the information on the hard drive, consider using a hard drive recovery service.
-=== Not enough RAM ===
-If computer performs basic functions slowly or crashes while attempting to do basic functions, you may have bad RAM or insufficient RAM. Replace RAM on your computer.

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