+ | [title|Nabi 2S Troubleshooting] |
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+ | [summary]Nabi 2S is a tablet made just for kids to Learn, Play and Grow. Powered by a NVIDIA® Tegra® 3 Super 4-Plus-1TM Quad-Core with 5th Battery Saver Core; 16GB storage; a 7-inch, high-resolution (1280 X 800), capacitive touch screen; and 2MP front facing camera.[/summary] |
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+ | '''Issues with Screen Functionality''' |
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+ | If there are problems with screen functionality, first check the wireless connection. If the wireless connection is not the problem with viewing images, then there might be a problem with a screen. Try holding volume button and power. If the tablet does not restart, then you will most likely need to replace the screen. |
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+ | '''Frozen Screen''' |
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+ | If the screen is frozen and has been for longer than a few minutes, try to turn the tablet off and on again by holding down the power button and the volume button down simultaneously until the screen turns black. After the tablet reboots it should have fixed the frozen screen issue. |
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+ | '''Cracked or Bubbled Screen''' |
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+ | If the screen is cracked or has bubbling underneath the surface that is too extreme for you to be able to read or use apps then you will most likely have to remove and replace the screen. Please refer to this screen removal guide (link) |
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+ | '''Charging Issues''' |
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+ | If you are having charging issues, let it charge for 30 minutes without plug in and out. If your tablet still not charging, then the charger port might be broken. Please refer to the charger port replacement guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxxpLYf16fc&app=desktop |
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+ | '''Tablet will not charge''' |
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+ | If you are having trouble charging your tablet there may be issues with the actual charger. First, make sure that the USB is properly connected to the power port and that the port is properly connected to the power outlet. If there are no connection issues then there may be a problem with your charger and you may have to replace it. Lastly, if you have replaced the charger and charging issues persist you may have to take the battery out and put it back in again, or replace the battery all together. Please refer to the battery removal guide (link to that) |
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+ | '''Tablet loses charge quickly''' |
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+ | If your device charges without issue but seems to loose its charge too quickly, then there may be issues with your battery. Please refer to the battery removal guide (link) to take the battery out and put it back in, or replace it all together. You will most likely need a new battery in this case. |
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+ | '''Charging light turns from green to red''' |
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+ | If this is happening to your tablet there may be issues with the battery keeping the charge. In this case you will have to remove the battery and put it back in again or replace it all together, please refer to the battery removal guide for instruction (link) |
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+ | '''Camera issues''' |
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+ | First, check if the camera lense is clean. If the problem is not with the outer issues of the camera, then the camera might need to be fixed. Also check if there is a crack on the camera. If there is a crack or scratch, the screen over the camera might need to be replaced. |
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+ | '''Blurry Photographs''' |
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+ | First, make sure that the lense of the camera is clean and there are no smudges or fingerprints obstructing the camera's ability to take clear and efficient photos. If the camera lense has been properly cleaned and there is still a problem with the photos then make sure that the camera is not having issues focusing- i.e if there is a lot of movement in the photo you are trying to take, you are trying to take a photo of something too far away etc. |