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Revision to Nest x Yale Lock Troubleshooting

Bryant Duong

Title Changed

+Nest x Yale Lock Troubleshooting

Namespace Changed


+[title|Nest x Yale Lock Troubleshooting]
+== Device Will Not Connect To App ==
+''The Nest X Yale Lock will not connect to the Nest App.''
+''If you find an error message or help code during your setup. Including messages:''
+''“Can’t find your Nest product”''
+''“Can’t connect to the lock”''
+''“Something went wrong”''
+=== Internet is not connected to the device ===
+If your Nest X Yale Lock is failing to connect to the app make sure that both the Connect/Guard and the phone that you are using are connected to the same wifi network.
+=== Yale Lock is not in awake status ===
+The keypad light should be illuminated during setup, if it's not, press the Yale button to wake it up
+=== Have the wrong Nest app ===
+You may possibly have the wrong app installed to connect the device. The Nest app has a blue background with a white home in front of it.
+== Device Has A Low Battery Icon ==
+''Nest X Yale Lock has a low battery icon lighting up and you get a notification that the lock is low on battery.''
+=== Lock needs new batteries ===
+If your Nest X Yale Lock is showing a low battery icon then make sure to [link||pop the top] of the lock and replace the 4 AA batteries the device needs.
+=== Batteries may be placed incorrectly or the wrong type ===
+Reopen the top of the lock and make sure that the batteries are aligned with the + and - inside the device with your batteries. If still does not work check if you have the right batteries. The batteries needed for this device are 4 AA batteries.
+=== Batteries are defective ===
+If batteries are inside the device but the low battery icon still appears on the app and the device then the batteries may be defective. You may need to purchase or use new batteries.
+=== Batteries are draining quick ===
+Make sure that you are not using rechargeable batteries and instead using the correct AA batteries.
+== Touchpad Is Unresponsive ==
+''The touchpad does not work when trying to press any button or does not seem to be loading the number pad.''
+=== New batteries ===
+Check if there is a low-battery icon or on the Nest app if your lock is low on battery if so replace the batteries inside the top of the lock.
+=== Yale Lock screen malfunction ===
+After replacing a new battery, check if the touchpad is working. If it's not responsive, but the led light is still on, you might have a screen malfunction that needs to replace the screen.
+=== Yale Lock motherboard malfunction ===
+After replacing a new battery, check if the touchpad is working. If it's not responsive, and the led light is off or the lock signaling error, you might have a motherboard malfunction that needs to replace the motherboard.
+== Nest X Yale Lock Completely Locks The Door And Error Appears ==
+''Nest x Yale Lock is locked and can not be opened using the touchpad and an error appears on the Nest app when trying to open it.''
+=== Batteries need to be replaced ===
+The most common reason for the Nest X Yale lock to completely lock is that the batteries are dead, so open the top of the lock and replace the batteries.
+=== Keypad needs to be reset ===
+If your Nest X Yale Lock is not unlocking after replacing the batteries, then you should try to reset the keypad. The first is to open the Yale App and head to the keypad settings. Then you press the “disconnect the keypad” button. Once you have done that you will be sent a 4-digit code and you will input that code into the keypad, and it will reset it.
+=== Door is not closed or the deadbolt is jammed ===
+Check if the door is closed all the way and if the deadbolt is aligned properly with the strike plate.
+== Audio Is Inaudible ==
+''Unable to hear the tone when pressing on the lock's keypad or hear the chime when the door locks or unlocks.''
+=== Volume settings ===
+To check your volume settings. Open your app home screen, and tap on Settings. From there select your lock. Tap on Volume, then select Low and High.
+=== Audio is jacked ===
+Another reason that you can not hear any audio from the lock could be that it is jacked. To check if it is jacked with possible dust or other stuff open the lock. Then check if anything could possibly be blocking the speaker and clean it.