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Camera won't turn on

Camera doesn't turn on when power button is pressed or when plugged in.

Drained/bad battery

If your camera won't turn on, try charging the battery. If it still will not turn on after charging, then the battery is likely the problem and needs to be replaced.

Bad display

The camera may be on but the display is broken and the camera will not appear to be on. Listen for chime and look for power indicator LED. See LCD Repair Guide for details on how to replace the LCD.

Bad motherboard

If the battery is good and the camera does not react at all to being turned on, there may be a problem with the motherboard, and it will need to be replaced. See Motherboard Repair Guide for how to replace the motherboard.

Lens won't open/close

Lens makes noise but will not open/close.

Debris obstructing lens

Clean any visible dirt or debris that may be affecting the lens operation.

Possible broken gears or motor mounts

If you can hear the motor working, but there is no movement, the motor might need to be replaced or fixed. If you hear broken pieces rattling inside when you shake the camera, the motor mounts are likely broken. See Shutter Motor Repair Guide for how to fix the lens motor.

No flash

Camera flash does not activate when picture is taken.

Flash is turned to force off

Turn flash on or to automatic.

Battery too low

The battery may not have enough energy to power the flash. If this is the case, then the battery needs to be charged or replaced.

Broken flash

If the flash is broken, then the flash needs to be replaced.

See Flash Repair Guide for how to replace the flash.

Camera will not take any more pictures

Camera won't save new pictures and displays that the memory is full.

Memory is full

Save pictures to a computer or other device and delete all pictures off the memory card, or replace the memory card with an empty one.

Memory card is locked

Remove the memory card and flip the switch to the unlocked position.

Buttons on back panel don't work

Buttons on the back panel of the camera are unresponsive and do not work.

Dirt or dust in buttons

If the buttons sometimes work, then there might be dirt or dust in the buttons. Try spraying a can of compressed air on the buttons.

See Button Repair Guide for details.

Broken motherboard

If the buttons are always unresponsive, the motherboard may need to be replaced. See Motherboard Repair Guide for how to replace the motherboard.

Camera is not recognized by computer

The computer does not acknowledge the presence of the camera when it is plugged in.

Battery is dead

Keep the camera plugged in and let it charge for a while. It should be recognized once it has sufficient power.

USB cord/port is defective

Plug it into a different port with a different cord.

Motherboard is defective

If none of the above is the problem, the motherboard may need to be replaced. See Motherboard Repair Guide for how to replace the motherboard.

Display is cracked

If the screen is cracked or damaged, it will likely need to be replaced.

Speaker isn't working

No sound or poor quality sound on videos recorded by camera

Speaker makes static noise

Speaker may need to be replaced or plugged in.

No sound on video

Make sure volume is turned on. Speaker may need to be replaced.


what battery keeps date updated

DENNIS - Reply

What if it won’t recognise the charger? Is there a delay between plugging in and the light indicating that it’s charging?

flopseygirl12 - Reply

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