Repair hobbyists and professionals find iFixit precision screwdrivers and bit sets easy to use, functional and comprehensive. Use iFixit's Precision Screwdrivers to repair your computers, smartphones, game consoles, tablets, and other gadgets!
The Pentalobe screw, also known as the "Evil Proprietary Tamper Proof Five Point Screw," is Apple's favorite fastener. It’s similar to a Torx—except that the points have a rounder shape, and it has five points instead of six. When Apple implemented it in 2009 no reputable suppliers sold the screwdrivers that Apple technicians used. We reverse-engineered the screw and manufactured our own drivers, turning this security measure into another insignificant speed bump that fixers can easily bypass.
Initially, automobile manufacturers used 6-pointed Torx screws to lock emissions units in automobiles– now they are found everywhere, from mobile phones to residential construction. Even Apple jumped on the tamper-proof train with the original 128K Macintosh. The reverse-engineers of the world found a way to un-screw themselves by creating Torx bits, Torx Security bits, and, in most recent years, Torx Plus bits. Now, any member of the general public with access to a hardware store also has access to their Torx-guarded things.
We refer to the Y-type screw as a “tri-point,” but you will commonly see it called a “tri-wing” on Amazon and elsewhere on the internet. An actual tri-wing screw has three slotted "wings" and a small triangular hole in the center. The slots are offset and do not intersect the center of the fastener.
The tip of the Torx Security (we call it a TR#) screw head has a small hole in the center which differs from a standard Torx screw head (we call it a T#). Torx Security screwdrivers can fit standard and security Torx screws.
Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) screws do not provide a cam-out option and have 90-degree corners. Phillips (PH) screws are designed to make a Phillips screwdriver cam out if too much torque is applied. This prevents damage to screws and screwdrivers or bits. Even though there is a difference between JIS and PH screws, an official iFixit PH000 driver should not damage a JIS000 screw because we manufacture our Phillips bits to be cross-compatible with JIS screws.
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