Digitizer Not Sticking Around the Flat Ribbon/Cable Area
I repair a lot of iPads and I keep coming across this issue. When I glue the digitizer, sometimes the area around the digitizer ribbon/cable doesn't stick well (left lower corner). I think because the ribbon pushes back up against the digitizer and the adhesive comes off. So you can see a little gap between the glass and the back plate where the flat ribbon is.
I do my best to push the ribbon in that little space on the side where it is suppose to go and I have used many different type of double sided tape/glues, etc, but I still see this issue from time to time.
Can anyone tell me what I might need to do to fix this issue? I really appreciate it.
Digitizer Not Sticking Around the Ribbon/Cable Area
Digitizer Not Sticking Around the Flat Ribbon/Cable Area
I repair a lot of iPads and I keep coming across this issue. When I glue the digitizer, sometimes the area around the digitizer ribbon/cable doesn't stick well (left lower corner). I think because the ribbon pushes back up against the digitizer and the adhesive comes off. So you can see a little gap between the glass and the back plate where the flat ribbon is.
I do my best to push the ribbon in that little space on the side where it is suppose to go and I have used many different type of double sided tape/glues, etc, but I still see this issue from time to time.
Can anyone tell me what I might need to do to fix this issue? I really appreciate it.
Digitizer Not Sticking Around the Ribbon/Cable Area
I repair a lot of iPads and I keep coming across this issue. When I glue the digitizer, sometimes the area around the digitizer ribbon/cable doesn't stick well. I think because the ribbon pushes back up against the digitizer and the adhesive comes off. So you can see a little gap between the glass and the back plate where the ribbon is.
I repair a lot of iPads and I keep coming across this issue. When I glue the digitizer, sometimes the area around the digitizer ribbon/cable doesn't stick well (left lower corner). I think because the ribbon pushes back up against the digitizer and the adhesive comes off. So you can see a little gap between the glass and the back plate where the flat ribbon is.
I do my best to push the ribbon in that little space where it is suppose to go and I have used many different type of double sided glues, etc, but I still see this issue from time to time.
I do my best to push the ribbon in that little space on the side where it is suppose to go and I have used many different type of double sided tape/glues, etc, but I still see this issue from time to time.
Can anyone tell me what I might need to do to fix this issue? I really appreciate it.
Digitizer Not Sticking Around the Ribbon/Cable Area
I repair a lot of iPads and I keep coming across this issue. When I glue the digitizer, sometimes the area around the digitizer ribbon/cable doesn't stick well. I think because the ribbon pushes back up against the digitizer and the adhesive comes off. So you can see a little gap between the glass and the back plate where the ribbon is.
I do my best to push the ribbon in that little space where it is suppose to go and I have used many different type of double sided glues, etc, but I still see this issue from time to time.
Can anyone tell me what I might need to do to fix this issue? I really appreciate it.