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The Samsung Galaxy S 4G is an Android 2.2-powered smartphone with a 4-inch AMOLED touchscreen display and 1 GHz processor.

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How can I fix my loose charger port?

I've had my Android for a while now. For the last few days, my phone has been hard to charge. Sometimes I have to hold something up under the charger or make sure that the charger is laying flat to help it charge. The port inside the phone is loose. How can I fix it?

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Listen this isn't it you may have more you need to fix like hyjacked


But I'm going to try THIS fix it thing Cost almost $so Google can fix supposedly $200 almost paid it but boost MOBILE keeps telling me no


I had same problem then I took a needle and gently cleaned out the connconnection bit works perfectly now


I have the same problem I dont know what to do ):


It depends on the charger, and how far gone it is. Take a sewing needle and push up the inside pins of the charger I believe there are 5-6. Push them up gently and plug in charger to see if it works. If all else fails go on amazon and buy a 10$ charger and toss the one that is giving you grief. Really think about it.. What's more expensive, a charger, or a new charge port for your phone?


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Rakeria Washington, start off by using a new cable and see if that makes a difference. It's possible that the plug on the cable is worn out. If a new cable doesn't help, you may have to replace the charging port. Take a look at the teardown and see if that is something you are comfortable with. you will have to solder a new connector to the board. The port is available at places like this. Hope this helps, good luck.

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I have Warrenty on this mobile is it okay for this. ?


just changed my port bought a new cable. got loose in 2 weeks...


Thats not how you do it you use small cable locks for your USB Cord squeeze the tip gently and test it back in the phone and it should work!!!


Anyone who is reading this looking for a solution and doesn't have pilers or whatever try biting down on the charger USB the part the goes in the phone I lightly bite down on mine put it in my phone and it WORKSS!!!


Ok, if you don't want to do a full replacement buy a cheap SMS solder station for 20-30$ on eBay and some quick chip solder paste 8-12$ and kapton tape 2-4$, when all is obtained, open quick chip, spread thin layer of paste on each individual pin and the feet of the port (both sides of board. Wrap everything you don't to be hit by heat with kapton tape.) plug in smd station. Have air on very low and temp 280-320. Heat all around port where you laid solder paste till paste turns into shiny liquid metal. Like the 2nd terminator in terminator 2. When done and cooled clean area with 99% rubbing alcohol. When heating it's good to move the blower around a lot.

Hope this helps... Works on most phone models that even ones where charging port is a ribbon. Though on those just replacing ribbon is easier lol


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I know a little late but I had a loose charger port and fixed it easily, no soldering. I open up the phone and using a wrench or even pliers, I squeezed the charger port flat a bit. Just kept doing that until my USB charger fit snug again. and boy does it fit snug!!

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WOW it worked!!!! That k you so so much dude I mean it,I used a plier and squezzed my usb charger not too much just right when I see a bend at I put it in it charges! I dont need to move it around anymore! Thank so much dude like really,thank you so freaking much :D


This worked perfectly!


Did not work,broke inside of charger port


Can you please show me how to do it. I don't want to mess up my phone.


Verbal description: you are going to squeeze the socket housing so it's more snug. So you're going to squish it down a little. To make sure you don't overdue plug your charging cable but make sure the other end of that cable is disconnected from any power. Clamp only on the housing (the phone has been opened up of course exposing the bare housing). You also want to make sure where the pliers are touching the back side of the board opposite the housing that you are not crushing or even touching components on that side of the board. You could insert a thin layer of cardboard (like from a cereal box) between the pliers and the board on the backside. The pliers can directly touch the connector housing, no problem there. Gentle is the trick, and you don't have to get there in one squeeze, do it, check if the cable is feeling snug, if it is there's no need to go further.


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My charger plug kept falling out, and it turned out the port was was partially blocked with lint! It slowly accumulated from being in my pocket all the time, and then when you plug in the charger it packs it down at the bottom. Take a stick pin and carefully scrape the lint out of the port a tiny bit at a time.

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Mine was blocked with detergent particles and I cleared it with a pin. nw it works


This was my problem. There was gunk in the port that prevented even new cables from seating properly. Phone would still charge but sometimes the cable would fall out. My phone is a Galaxy S5 and I've gone through 3 port covers, stopped bothering to replace them; that might have prevented this from happening. Cleaned out the port and now the charging cable properly seats.


A sewing pin and compressed air....just like new.. thanks to all for the help


Another one with just lint being the problem! Thanks so much!


Dude, you are a genius! That never occurred to me. I tried cleaning my port out with a thin toothpick and a LOT of lint came out. I'm the same, a guy who carries my phone in my pocket--the same pocket I usually carry a tissue in.


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To fix a charger that is loose or has a short, simply squeeze the end with a pair of pliers. Do not squeeze the end too hard. The end you want to squeeze is the end that you are having the problems with. You do not have to squeeze anything in your phone or take your phone apart at all. Just slightly adjust the end until it fits snug into your phone again.

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4 Comments: WORKED! And this is really nothing short of a miracle, as I'm a 50-year-old female with ZERO technical skills. Generally, if I can do it, a chimpanzee can probably do it better. THANK YOU!


this worked for me thanks. super simple.


it worked. Thanks


Worked like a charm... so pumped.. you rule


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Had problems too:

-charger might not be original, check mine is original so moving on.

-phone's dock might be too loose, put a little bit of tape on top of usb cable small connector; worked like a charm for me, fixed random disconnects from pc.

-cable might be broken internally, open and re-solder (shielding is also important); this fixed slow charging for me too.

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Tape worked for me. Kind of a janky fix. Kinda worried about continually plugging tape into my phone port. Shouldn't have to do this. $700 phones should work, and if they don't, should be covered under warranty without having to fork over repair/replacement money.


You and me botH! You PAY for the phone, the useage, the insurance, the copay of $175 to fix what shouldn't be broken in the first place.


I keep buying the 5.00 USB cables and they last about a week. I tried the needle in the port and still nothing.


Tiny little dainty little cheap s***.

I want big and I want a latch!


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Really when it begins to be loose there is not much you can do except replace it. Sooner or later it will get worse and your USB port will be completely useless, so its better to just replace it like they said. I think the manufacture wants them to break because they often don't have much solder holding them in place. You can be sure to solder it on securely if you do it yourself and you can even add a little epoxy to make sure it stays in place a lot longer this time.

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It is a hardware problem that the USB port got loosen. Replacing a new USB port flex cable is a good choice to fix it. You can repair it follow the repair video of Replacing Galaxy S4 USB port flex cable :


Great answer and excellent link! My husband, the buulder, fixed my phone after watching the YouTube movie! Thanks


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if all the above surpass your ability to perform or you simply don't possess the necessary tools to solder a new port, you could always charge the battery itself using a universal cell phone battery charger. Just turn off your phone (if not already dead), remove your battery from your phone and dock it on the battery charger until charged. Re-insert your battery once it is charged & power up your phone. This nifty device can be purchased at Radio Shack for approx. $40.00. However, be certain to call your local store to check for pricing and availability. Good luck.

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If this is a s4 we are talking about, all you need is a tiny screwdriver and a fingernail to go around the casing to open the little guy. Unplug 3-4 plugs (menu flex, power flex, and coax{s}) install new one which you can get on eBay for 10 bucks or less and call it a day.


This repair requires absolutely NO soldering. lvl 1 repair.. Replace the whole flex.. In instance of water damage GENTLY take acetone and toothbrush or qtip and clean port on main board after placing flex. (Don't plug into board yet) in severe cases you clean all ports and check all areas of board for any corrosion including chipsets/components that have corrosion.. You'll be fine.. Only time to do any solder is on main board if corrosion killed a pin or two or 8 on main board.. Now that's fun!


These micro USB cables never last very long, if I solder a mini USB in my s4 i9505 would it work as I would like to use mini cables and not the micro ones. Hope someone knows. Thank you.


JohnnyFixIt do you know of any instructional videos that show how to replace without soldering? I see the items you linked from eBay but I have no idea how to install correctly myself. Thanks :)


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Clean out the dust and fluff, gets in there from pocket, its very common

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Look at how to clean ports on you-tube, takes couple mins using sharp plastic tip, must get in very small gap under pins. Blow out and once clean should click in all the way.


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Took my phone apart and squeezed the port with my pliers then I thought hey clean the port. Wish I would have done that first but anyway my phone charges great. I Took an old phone apart with the same port but once apart realized they didn't hook up the same. Pliers and toothpick. Problem solved.

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use small cable locks for your USB Cord squeeze it on the tip of the medal piece where you plug your phone don't squeeze it to hard or it'll look crazy and test it back in the phone and it should work!!!

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Excellent! Thanks a lot!!


works with plyers squeeze


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DUCT TAPE SOLUTION: Cut a square of duct tape, around 2" in length. Attach to the back bottom of the cell phone (or side, if that is the location of your port). The sticky part will be face up. Insert your loose charger cord, laying it down on the sticky tape. The sticky duct tape will hold it securely. When complete, fold the duct tape for later use. I leave my tape on the phone. Works great in the car, too. Use any kind of tape - electrical, decorative, etc. An adhesive label would work too, even an address label.

Others have posted that lint accumulates in the port. Having the tape in place == as I now have -- covers and protects the port.

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Use a needle to remove any obstruction

It worked pretty good for me.

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The charger sometime wears down the edges of the phone and theirs many easy solutions to this problem by using a tool to add a bit of material around the port to create a holder for the socket. I do it another way and it's a quick fix not something you should do long time. I grab a small piece of foil and fold it flat enough for it to fit in the port with the Charger and it holds it in place perfectly with no problems whatsoever really.

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Two solutions: 1. Replace the hardware, this is a simple method, but the same problem will still happen again after using it for a period of time. 2. Use a magnetic charging cable fix loose charger port, which is the most thorough solution. You can only avoid hardware wear, and the data transmission and charging efficiency are the same as the original cable.

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