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Repair information, troubleshooting tips, and guides for the sixth iteration of Apple iPhone, announced on September 12, 2012. Model: A1428, A1429

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iPhone 5 Overheating after Water Damage and cleaning

Hi. I went swimming in a saltwater pool for about 30 minutes with my iPhone 5 in my pocket. Never tried to turn it back on. Left it in rice for 4 days, then took it completely apart using the iPhone 5 teardown guide here. Removed the EMI shield, as well. Cleaned the board, connectors, basically everything I could find with 91% alcohol and a small brush. I did not replace the EMI shield... just left it off. I also replaced the battery.

When I plugged the phone in and tried to turn it on, it got really hot to touch on the back of the phone, and the LCD was blank. Took it back apart, cleaned the connectors again and made sure they were seated properly.

After putting it back together, I plugged it in and got the dead battery symbol (meaning the LCD did work). Let it charge for hours, and when I turned it on, I only had 6% battery, got the overheating warning, and the touchscreen was completely unresponsive.

Any ideas what to check next?

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To the OP, Curious if the flux/reflow suggestion fixed your phone. I have the same issue, but with an iphone 6s.


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It sounds like you've done a lot of things right with this phone. The only thing I would add is to search under the microscope for the specific components that look oxidized. Try adding some flux and trying to reflow these components, or just replace them from a donor iphone board. I have seen a solution for temperature sensor troubleshooting on the iPad 2, so it is likely hardware. If you're still stuck, the last thing to do is just sit with the schematic, and try to see a connection between the areas of the phone that were most damaged by corrosion and anything that seems like it could have a role in temperature sensing.

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Try replacing the battery, that is the most likely failure point with water. that should fix the overheating. as for the touch screen, try a new battery first, id that doesn't fix it all, clean the two sockets connecting to the screen again, if it still doesn't work you may need a new screen

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Even though it's happening with a brand new battery? This is a new battery that I'm trying to already use, and it's getting hot with it. I guess it's a possibility that the new battery is also bad, but I would certainly hope not. I'll check the connectors this weekend. Thanks for your response.


Okay, so I replaced the battery again, and cleaned all the connectors and the board again, and still no change. As soon as the phone turns on, I get the Temperature warning. That said, it doesn't even feel hot. I don't have the screen screwed back in, so I can put my fingers inside the case and feel the components. Nothing feels warm. Also, the touch screen and home button is unresponsive. Could that have something to do with it?


Thought I had left this comment earlier.

I replaced the battery again. Took the phone back apart and re-cleaned everything. When I turn the phone on, I immediately get the "Temperature" warning, even though it is not hot to the touch. I can even put my finger on the logic board, and nothing feels warm. Also, my touch screen and home button are unresponsive. Any ideas what to check next?

Thanks to anyone for your help and/or advice.


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This is what I did for my phone and it is a sure fire fix. Things you will need a can of scrubbing bubbles, rubbing alcohol and a tooth brush. Completely disassemble your phone down to the logic board. Place it in a plastic container. Cover it with scrubbing bubbles and allow to let it sit for 2min. When all bubbles are liquid scrub all contacts with the toothbrush. When done dip the board in alcohol and completely dry. Reassemble and there you go. I had an issue with my screen not working but that was due to a burnt contact. Added flux and fixed it. You will also need to change out the battery. My phone is running hot but not killing the battery. I have not changed my battery so I am sure that is the my problem. Hope this helps everyone out.

  • Always remember when your phone gets wet don't turn it on. You will short it out and make things worse**

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I disassembled my water damaged iPhone 5c and cleaned everything. Just put in new battery and it wouldn't come on and it got very hot. Could it be I need a new charging port? Also "Flux" what is that?

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no heat means you have a short on the board a charging port will not solve that


Ok so replacing logic board would help?


logic board worth more than the phone try flux


would flux solve the issue of shorted chip??


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iphone batteries have small microchips smd fuses and diodes at the bottom this is why you should replace the battery.

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Also, check for torn cables causing a ground. It would have been easy for you to tear one while cleaning it.

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