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Repair information, troubleshooting tips, and guides for the sixth iteration of Apple iPhone, announced on September 12, 2012. Model: A1428, A1429

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"No Service" after battery change on iPhone 5

I replaced my iPhone 5's battery today following the iFixit instructions. Everything appeared to go smoothly and was trouble free. After the replacment, the device was powering on, charging correctly, all buttons are functioning as well, and Wifi connections work just fine.

However, I can't connect to the cellular network. I have updated the date/time via settings and rebooted the phone. I also reset network settings and finally reset the entire device back to factory settings. However, I keep getting the "Searching" message on the status bar followed by "No Service".

Any idea on what went wrong?

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i had replaced my cracked screen and got a new screen, and about a week later my phone started saying "Searching..." it was only every now and then and now it hardly ever goes back to Verizon LTE, i had gotten a new SIM card and updated my phone but it still says "Searching" and I have done everything in the settings too which meant resetting my network and I've tried to reset my phone while holding onto my home button and on/off button together and it still says searching, I've restarted it but that never worked, please anyone help me!


I got my charger point replaced of my iPhone n

Now when I checked my phone the date n time are incorrect

It never happened before

Has that person changed my battery or motherboard n m also not getting any network

Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have iPhone 5s


@Nitin Singh: He had to disconnect the battery to replace the charger point. Connect to wifi to set the date and time, or change it manually.

Then do this:Settings->



Reset network settings

Hope this will work for you, as it did for me. (I have an iPhone 5s too)


I had the same problem after installing my new ifixit iPhone 5 battery. I followed @lenaholthe network reset instructions and everything went right back to normal. Thanks for the help!


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18 Answers

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Had the same problem, after replacing the battery... Tried everything.

But.... Solved it, after connecting to wifi, and did a hard reset (holding HOME and LOCK bottom down, until apple logo). Then it all worked fine.


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yes, this is likely the time/date trick con mentioned first. After battery removal the iPhone resets to 1969 and will not find service until after you connect to wifi to automatically set the time/date, or set it manually. After that, you can toggle airplane mode off/on or do a hard reset like you did.


worked as well for me! thanks so much! first time screen exchange in my life!


Thx, this solved the problem. The hard reset is important! just rebooting did not solve it.


I was wondering what was wrong why the phone wasn't getting service after replacing the front screen. I know I didn't break anything. I remove the sim card and reinserted it but this did not do anything. The solution that work is what every one else has suggested which is to connect to wifi which auto update date and time. I did noticed the weird date but didn't think anything of it except that it was because of the battery being unplugged. After reboot problem solved. Thanks everyone who contributed to resolving this issue. Thumbs up.


Thx, this solved the problem. The hard reset is SUPER IMPORTANT! just rebooting did not solve it.


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I'm sure you tryed all the commons tricks like time and date?

Is it possible you damaged components when removing battery. Did u pry licit board side and damage these?

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Thanks for your reply. I did check to make sure that I didn't damage anything else on the phone. I made sure to not pry in any locations that would cause damage, but I obviously screwed something up. At this point it seems likely that something got messed up when I made the change.

I'll take a closer look a bit later when I'm not so mad.


Connect to wifi the time and date will change automatically.

When it changes turn phone off and on you will have service .. Simple!!


thanks alot mate it really works, i was worried i just replace my i5 battery and got the searching issue but it resolves now :)


Thanks a lot guys, I was pretty worried there till I found this thread !!

Same issue, connect to wifi, date and time reset ok then reboot and all good now :-)


I had the same issue while replacing a friends phone in my home. I had to connect them to my wifi so the date would update. Then power cycle kicked in the cellular.

Thanks Con.


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It's going to be pry damage like con is suggesting.

Those components can be replaced pretty readily--take a close look and see if you can find something knocked off.

In response to the general problem of no searching after any work done on an iPhone 5---I have just seen a second phone with this defect that is caused by screwdriver damage nicking the bottom right corner of the U16X glass ic. I'm writing a blog post about it tonight (click my profile to make your way to my site if you want to read). One customer tried to restore after this damage and the phone gives a hardware error 1669 and is a brick.

If you see this damage with a searching no service problem that is not solved by common date/time tricks---i would recommend NOT restoring the phone.

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see small damage on corner of the chip (note: the uneven edges are normal---that is just the overspray of the black resin that Apple applies to the chip)

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I have this issue after rear camera replacement on my iphone 5. Please can yountel me how to solve this issue?



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This happens because whenthe battery is disconnected it will reset your time to Jan 1970, you just need to change the time to present and it will work again, it's weird I know.

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Resetting time (connect to Wi-Fi or connect to iTunes), wait for the date/time to reset, then hard-reboot always does the trick for me, even more if the SIM has SIM-lock ON (such as 0000) like it happens in this part of the world. Hard-reboot will cause the iPhone to prompt for SIM-lock after which everything works correctly.


this worked for me! but leave phone plugged in to iTunes,


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check whether the antenna when removing the battery unbuttoned or damaged

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Are you talking about this antenna connection?

I opened the phone back up and rechecked all the various cables and I am still getting the "No Signal" error. For the life of me I can't figure out what is going on.


Hi after water damage I have no service. Also battery loses charge very quickly. Everything else works fine and date time etc are correct. I’ve tried all of the fixes mentioned and nothing works. The sim is recognised and works fine in a similar phone. I can see the IMEI number. The screw has a few squiggles at the top but they can only be seen on certain backgrounds. Can you help??


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Change the date and time then restart your iPhone .

if still have problem . Reset the network setting . your iPhone will work surely.

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connect your iphone to pc itunes. then reboot your iphone.

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you have to download the software again

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I also stumbled upon this problem (no reception) and wrong (old) time and date.

Wi-Fi though, worked perfectly, but still date and time would not set itself. The iPhone kept searching for cellular network (it didn't display: 'no service')

Also, when i removed the sim card, it did not say 'no simcard installed' so i did worry a lot! Hard reset (home + sleep/wake button) did not help at all in my case.

What worked for me, was resetting the network settings. After that the iPhone restarted itself with the right time and date. The iPhone then found the cellular network again, as already stated here: the iPhone will not find cellular until time and date are allright.

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I had the "no service" issue. So I tried this:




Reset network settings

Thank you! My phone works again!

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What i did was connected with wifi to internet, then removed the simcard for a second and back in, after that it asked immediately for PIN code. Just keep it connected to the wifi the whole time

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I own a local repair shop, and I had a customer bring me their iPhone 5c (which had this same "ghosting" problem ), she said she took it too Apple and they said she needed to buy another phone because it had bad software. So as an alternative, she brought the "possessed" iPhone too me. I took a look at all the connections, did a hard reset, and a factory restore. I also even replaced the LCD & Digitizer. Nothing worked.

So I finally I started playing around with it, and came to the conclusion that it had to do with electrostatic. So I took the red covers that you peel off of the back of new screens and put it in between the iphone's thermal plate and battery. This seemed to work for a good period of time, however she brought it back to me the next day saying the "ghosting" was happening again. So I concluded to this...


- Put the red plastic that you peel off of new screens in between the thermal plate and LCD (just like it is before you peel them off)

- Also, put another red plastic in between the thermal plate and battery (tape this one down so that it will stay)

This was my solution and my customer has yet to have a problem, please let me know if this was helpful!

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When I replaced my screen on myiPhone 5 the phone was constantly searching for network. I had reset network settings and the phone started working (receiving calls, messages etc) but it was still saying searching at the top. I then connected the phone to wifi, did the reset network settings and it fixed everything. The signal bar and stuff came back.

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It could be a sim issue. I got that twice, and both times my carrier had to change the sim.

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my sim card is fine, i,ve checked it several times on other phones and my carrier also but still the issue persist


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Fixed mine, just switched on airplane mode and switched it back on, and almost instantly it changed from searching , to my network provider!

hope this helps

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i did all of them, i've replaced the the dock connector i thought it was the antenna but did not fix also, now i'm wondering could it be u16x chip got damage but it doubt me because i have my baseband firmware and imei, i also heat gsm chip right on the bottom left corner not working also, my goodness what did i di wrong?


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I went through the same. Hard reset, network reset or airplane mode did not work. The I opened the phone again and work on the metal plate over the antenna. I took that metal plate out and I noticed that the black cable for the antenna was not locked on the pin. I hooked the antenna cable on the pin and that fixed my no service problem.

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Thanks, my problem is fixed. the cause is the black cable for the antenna was not locked on the pin.


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RESOLVED! Remove metal plate, disconnect battery flex cable as well as the other flex cable next to it. Then connect both cables back and put metal plate back on. This fixed the "No Signal Error" and rear camera error (rear camera stopped working). This may even fix the Touch ID error after replacing LCD screen and or Touch ID home button, but not 100% sure since i haven't tested it yet.

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how to solve this problem? after update to ios12 this thing happen! i can’t access my cellular cause it shows no service with triangle alert! anybody can help???

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