Why are my cameras pictures black?
I got this camera from a friend and he warned me it had this problem. How can I fix it?
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I got this camera from a friend and he warned me it had this problem. How can I fix it?
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It can be several things.
1: You will need to know if the sensor is working. Try to make very long exposures, starting with somthing like a second in daylight going on to 10 seconds in daylight.
If nothing registres on the sensor i would fault the sensor / body.
2: If anything registrers on the sensor, i would look at the aperture. It could be stuck aperture blades in the lens or a stuck aperture "lever" on the camerabody
You can also try removing the battery and memory card for a few minutes, and reinsert to see if that solves the issue.
In the menu settings try to do a reset for the camera
Find the reset switch located on the bottom of the camera
If you can't find it, see page 120 of the D50 manual
This is a hard reset of the Camera.
This has to be asked because it has happened in the past.....is the lens cap off?
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Yes the lens cap is off. In the past I removed the memory card and reinserted it and it fixed the problem temporarily.
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i just got a nikon d50 this week i have the same problem ...any know whats the problem i just put a new 2gb sd card in everything seems to be ok , just black pics all the time...
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I gave my old D50 to a friend for Christmas and he brought it back to me on July 4 asking why photos were black. I changed SD cards, lenses and took out the battery and still, black photos. I called an "authorized Nikon repair shop" in Atlanta, GA, and found out that it may be the shutter. I plan on taking it there since I'm not the fix-it type. Hope this helps.
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Another test would be to remove the lens and see if the mirror flips up when you make an exposure. You should probably do this in manual mode in case the camera doesn't want to expose without a lens in any of the program modes. If the mirror won't flip up, the imaging chip will not be exposed to light and the pictures would turn out black.
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