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Repair information, troubleshooting tips, and guides for the sixth iteration of Apple iPhone, announced on September 12, 2012. Model: A1428, A1429

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iPhone 5 front glass panel separating/lifting away from body?

Very oddly, on my iPhone 5, I noticed the entire front panel/glass/LCD/digitizer assembly is separating or detaching from the body at the top right corner.

It appears to be otherwise intact. It is still functional.

I have never dropped the device on anything other than carpet from farther than a few feet.

There is approximately a 1-2mm visible gap between the bottom of the glass panel and the top of the metal surrounding strip.

Pushing the panel back into the body causes the panel to flex a little, but it does not stay in place.

Any ideas about what happened and how it might be possible to fix it?

Update (05/01/2014)

Thanks for your comment!

I keep it in a Mophie case, in a front pant pocket or a suit breast pocket. Between the rigid case and where I keep it, I don't think the case is bent as the rear panel is quite flat still.

What I meant by "flex" is that I can push the corner down so it is true to the back panel, but it doesn't stay in place.

Here's a photo:

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Where do you keep your phone? Front pocket or back pocket in pants? Or purse? Sounds like the case was bent. The glass/display is ridgid and doesnt flex.


Went to the Apple store.

Diagnosis: Swollen Li-ion battery. Apparently the symptoms are pushing down on the screen causes a rainbow-like vertical streak to appear along the left third of the screen, following the bulge line of the battery.

Got it replaced.


Did they charge you the replacement or was it free?


My screen has completely separated from mu iPhone 5 in the same way, held on only by the connecting cable. Phone works fine. Battery works fine. But if I understand the Apple store diagnosis and fix was to replace a swollen battery. I cannot find any evidence looking at the inside under the screen of anything being swollen in the least bit. Should I assume replacing my battery will and putting the screen back on will fix it? Lot of money spent if that is to the problem.


Can someone estimate the price?


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18 Answers

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Apple will replace the iPhone!

I had exactly the same problem this week with my iPhone 5, which is nearly 3 years old. It is out of contract.

It got very hot during charging while I was using it. I guess it's been doing this for awhile, but I had not noticed it before.

Then I noticed the upper left corner edge had lifted by a small amount. It seemed to get worse after another charge. I don't use an external case.

After checking websites, a faulty battery seemed likely. I took it to an Apple Store. They agreed, and a diagnostic test showed the battery was out of the green area.

Result: I received an instant replacement with a brand new iPhone 5! Guess upgrade will have to wait a bit.

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I'm in Canada and was in exactly the same situation. I brought it in to a Genius and said I thought the battery was swelling, and wondered if there was anything they could do. By the time I brought it in the left edge of the phone and the top left corner were completely off the phone, and the home button was starting to no longer work.

The Genius I was working with replaced the phone for me (a $350 value) no questions asked. Very happy about this.


i am in india i had same problem,which place i contact for this


I had same problem with separation, Apple said too bad. You can have it repaired for about $120. Thinking of trying Samsung after owning iPhone 3g and iPhone 4, and the 5 that is coming apart.


Took my 3years old iphone 5 to apple care india for screen popping out due to battery bulging ... Happy next day got a new iphone 5 free of cost


Apple Replaces For Free!

Took my iPhone 5 (bought in September 2012 but was not part of battery replacement program) to Apple Store in Honolulu, Hawaii last weekend (September 2015) after making a genius bar appointment for same issue, top left side of glass lifting and screen was not working but would light up with white light. They looked at the phone and logged in the IMEI number. After pressing on the glass at the top left and asking if I backed up the phone, took out the sim card and took a new sealed white iphone 5 out of the drawer behind him, opened it up and put in my sim card and voila, new phone. The Apple guy made sure it booted up and logged in and then said thanks. Done - No Charge To Me - Even though Past Warranty.


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Some iPhone 5 and 5C have a problem of battery swelling. The problem initially manifests as phone getting hot during charging which is generally ignored considering it normal. Subsequently screen detachment is seen in upper left or right corner which is pushed down by the user to fix it which seems to correct the issue initially but it continues to get more and more pronounced. It is also seen as a vertical streak when home button is pressed. All these signs are given a go-bye by the user not suspecting anything amiss. The screen starts to get detached more and more till it becomes non correctable. Those who can go to Apple store get a free replacement with no questions asked but they do not give any cause for this problem. Those who do not go to the store attempt screen replacement with no success because the actual problem is with the swelling battery which is least suspected. Changing the faulty battery in the first place is the solution. That is about it!

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Thanks for your help Scooty dams


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I think I'm a little late to the party here, but I recently noticed that on my iPhone 5C, the screen was coming out of the case in one corner. I dropped it on carpet the other day - not hard enough to do any damage - but I guess the case is flexible enough under pressure that the corner came off a little. Anyway, after reading the same problem on another forum, I put the phone face-down on my desk with a cloth under it to prevent scratching (I used a tshirt, but anything will do) and then applied pressure with my hand until it popped back in with a nice, loud pop. Worked great for me! Hope this helps you.

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I've tried to put the screen back in place but it just comes right back out.


Totally worked!! until it pops out 20 seconds later


Thank you sooo much XD this was amazing i kinda freaked out and then tried this and it worked!!


I get a feeling my battery is expanding in size and pushing the front out. Cant believe apple screwed it up on this design.


Thank you! I had tried gently pushing from the front, but this worked great. Saved me a trip and money for phone repair.


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Hi there was the screen every been changed?

Even if it hasent some times the plastic bezal with clips attached to the screen can break apart slightly this is because adesive has softend

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No, it hasn't -- I've owned this one since it was new, and it has never been disassembled.

Is it (easily) fixable?



Post some pictures. And yes it's fixable as long as you have the right adhesive and you know what you are doing.


I have this problem. Just purchased a screen replacement and the replacement is having this issue. Otherwsie it installed fine. Any help would be appreciated. Does it just need glue? Or am I supposed to use the 3m thing they sent for this? any vids online showing this part? I've looked everywhere to no avail. To clairify - I've found lots of vids showing the screen being replaced but not this issue of the new screen coming apart when the phone is all closed up.


Jon, have you had experience with this issue? Ever used double-sided 2mm tape to secure the glass panel to the housing? I just replaced the battery hoping it would solve this exact problem. I think that may have been the original cause, but the damage was already done--the adhesive isn't holding the glass down anymore. Would definitely like to know if someone has successfully re-adhered the glass panel to the housing.


No replacement yet in any parts and im still using it even it was having a problem in screen i just taped it so it will b still intact what will i do next?


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For all of the people who still have questions about screen separation: I strongly suggest that you contact Apple. I had this issue, went to the Apple Store, and told them I suspected that it was due to a swollen battery. This girl seems to be a common enough issue, because they replaced it right away in store AT NO CHARGE. Of course I can't say that they would always handle the issue that way, but because of an issue with the battery in some iPhone 5s, there was a recall (Google iPhone battery recalls if you think this may be your issue, even if you already paid to fix it they might reimburse you), and in my case this qualified me for a free battery replacement anyway. The full phone replacement was a nice surprise.

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I took my iPhone 5 in to the Apple store for the same issue (screen lifting/separating from the case) on 8/4/15. They replaced it on the spot. No problem.


Hey i bought iphone 5s from a person 1 year ago.... he didn't have its original box... I'm facing the same problem of screen separation for a month or two... will they replace this phone as i don't have its box?????


Its so easy to repair this!

Remove the two small screws at the base of the phone.

gently prise the glass completely away form the main body being careful not to damage the electrical cables connecting it to the body.

Then using a matchstick to keep the gap between the glass and the surround open, clean out the debris of old glue.

Then carefully use some superglue to regale the glass to the insert and reassemble; hey presto a new phone!



I was charged 45 pounds, the cost of the battery, yesterday, at the Apple Store in London. Swollen battery they said. Got a new phone but not for free.


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Thanks to this thread, I took my 32 month old iPhone 5 with a separating screen to the Apple Store today for a Genius bar appointment. I assumed they would tell me it would require a screen or battery replacement and that it would not be covered under warranty.

The second the tech saw the screen, he said he knew it was a swollen battery that was causing the screen to separate. He explained that the enlarged battery places pressure on the back of the screen, causing it to shimmer with different colors when you press on the screen. He said that because it is a battery defect, it is covered for 36 months with the iPhone 5, and they don't attempt to repair them due to the potential for battery leakage and other damage it may have caused.

So I walked out with a brand new iPhone 5. Free replacement.

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Really? I wish I knew about this! Mine did it yesterday, it actually "popped" in my hand. I was on call for my work and so in a panic to replace the phone. I went to the closest Best Buy and bought an iphone 6 since my 5 was nearly 3 years old. Sounds like Apple would have replaced it free?? As much as I like the new 6 it would have been nice to save the money and not have to upgrade right away.


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OK I have a little info on replacing batteries in a iphone 5. I have replaced my iphone 5 battery about 9 times cause for some reason when it runs out of juice it will not charge again. If it stays charged there is no problem. Replacing the battery is a very easy task, the only slightly dangerous part is popping up the screen from the home button end. You need to make sure you keep the ear piece end close to the phone as that's where the ribbons attach. Just you tube a video and get a replacement battery off ebay

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Wait so is there any way to fix it , like can i just go to the apple store and get the problem fix without any charge because i mean it's clearly not our fault the device is that way


Hey Nat,

The problem with your phone is the U2 IC chip needs replacing, that's why your phone will charge when it's on, but won't charge when its off.

This can be caused by using cheap chargers or charging it in the car.

By the way, not an easy fix, requires knowledge of micro soldering. :)


Just wondering, is the battery replacement enough or do I also need other parts?


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I had the same problem with my 35 months old iPhone 5. I took it to the authorized service center.

I told them that I suspect it to be the swollen battery issue.

After a diagnosis of few minutes, they agreed and told me that it will take a couple of days for the phone to get replaced. The techie also told me that this was the last month for me to get the phone replaced as the coverage was for 36 months.

I got a brand new iPhone 5 yesterday. I had to survive with a makeshift phone for 2 days though.

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Super Glue fix worked on my old iPhone SE. Hope it lasts a while


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I have been reading the answers to this question and it appears there is no real answer for the actual issue that is happening. The glass is spreading from the frame because of the type of glue that is used from Apple to attach these screens together. They use a type of hot melt adhesive. This adhesive is very strong at normal temps but will loosen if the device is subjected to heat above normal. Direct sunlight, battery over heating, sitting on dashboard, etc... There is a quick fix and a proper fix. The quick fix is to add super glue to the screen, hold down for a few seconds and your screen will stay down. The proper way to fix is to remove the screen and remove the frame completely from the LCD. You then apply some cold adhesive to the frame to reattch the frame to the LCD. Once this glue is applied, you frame will not lift again. Also, you would want to check the battery to see if it is swelling at all. If so, it'll need replacing before installing the screen back in. New replacement from Apple is great but this is a real solution for repair of you same device.

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George has nothing til do with battery .

It's the screen adhesive has separated from frame and that's y your glass is lifting

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Upon further examination, there is some swelling at the top left underneath the screen that is below a black mask, which I assume is the battery. There is also some separation on the screen where dirt has also inserted itself in between whatever is the part just under the glass, which appears to be the digitizer, that appears to be backlighting. I am going to guess this is going to be a difficult task. Not to replace the battery as such, but getting the dirt out and all the screen layers back in place and back together into the case.


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Both my wife's iPhone 5 screen and my own have lifted from the main casing unit after using a Morphie case for exactly the same period.

Both phones warranty has expired and therefore no back up. We have been using the Morphie case for 18 months and recharge everyday. Both phones are kept in different ways and therefore the lowest common denominator is the Morphie case heating the iPhone when charging and over time this has agitated/lifted the screen based upon the continuous heat on the case unit. This was verified by the manager in the Apple Store in Bath who said write to Morphie directly to determine how we proceed. Doesn't fix the problem however.

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I keep the Mophie Plus on my iPhone SE turned on to Green, so the phone is continuously kept at 100%, while the Mophie cycles.

Now the Mophie is getting old, at the end of the day the phone can be at 50-80% before I plug back in at night.

Now I'm wondering of that strategy was best, if Apple will replace phones with bulged batteries lifting the display; my old iPhone 5 is sitting in a box with that very problem, hadn't looked here. It was time to upgrade, so SWMBO just did it. Time for a Genius appointment!


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This happened to my 2-years old iPhone 5 earlier while I was at work today, so I rushed to a nearby MAC Service Center and within 30 seconds, the guy diagnosed that it was caused by the battery. I didn't leave my phone because I still need to back-up the files in my iTunes library, but I'll be going back tomorrow to have it fixed. The thing is, I live in the Philippines, and I bought my iPhone in Dubai and my warranty's expired - so I don't know if they'll charge me for the repair, or if they'll give me a replacement phone :|

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Did you get a replacement phone?


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Friends, I have the same issue with my Iphone 5 which I purchased in Dec 2012. After three years of use , last week I found that scren is poping out from laft hand side and I can see the light coming out below the sreen, I thought battery got buldge as it becomes hot while chanrging. Scared me I thought it might charge mi Apprx. 6000 INR for repalcament of battery as my phone was not under warrenty. Then I read some reviews on internet and I found that apple recall some faulty batteries for the phone manufactured between Nov2012 to Jan 2013. Then I wend to apple offical site and saw the apple battery recall progrm where I need to enter my Mobile serial number to chek where it is eligible for battery replacement and it shows my phone is not eligible. Still I went to Apple store and I showed them my mobile for the problem and Guess what..Apple gave me Brand New Iphone... Only I got it after 5 days..

A happy Customer in Pune, India

Thanks to all those reviews and video who help me to review blogs on apple forum.

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What iPhone did you get when you got a new one ?


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They check if you have abused the phone, if all is normal they replace the iPhone has been replaced too the glass had come off at top end.... Thanks Guys for the useful updates and info. :)

This is absolutely and only possible if the Makers truly Believe in the product they have Made, Hats off to Apple!!!

jj15 (Mumbai)

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Brought my iPhone 5 to Apple Genius. They explained it is a safety concern and that they would give me a new iPhone 5. I now have a new phone. Very Happy. My old one was 3 years old. AppleCare expired a year ago.

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I have had the phone for nearly four years. Some say on here they will only replace within three. I actually have two phones with this problem to varying degrees. Wonder if they will still replace or force me to pay up to fix it. Honestly I'm replacing it anyway, but it sucks since it kills any trade in or resale value of the phone. I normally keep my old iPhones indefinitely as backup or sell them.


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hello, is not a serious problem, it happened that the plastic frame has been detached from the glass. these two components are glued, then glue came off, often happens with heat. the problem has only fault the aesthetic and the likely entry of dirt or liquid inside the phone. you can fix by removing the panel f or this and putting the new glue between plastic and glass frame.

often you will find the battery that was inflated and pushes the display

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I have a iphone 5 that I use with a mophie case . The glass on the rights side of the phone appears to have bowed up and you can see inside the phone. I attempted to push it back but it does not stay. Is it fixable?

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Yes. It is a swollen battery. It is a known issue. Take to the apple store, they will take one look at it, and swap the whole phone for the rice of a new battery. done & done.


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I HAVE NO WARRANTY OR COVER FOR MY IPHONE 5S!! Does apple still do it for free???

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I had the same issue with front panel detaching, phone getting hot, took it to Apple in London yesterday, they replaced it at the cost of the battery of 45 pounds. The diagnostic said the battery was swollen. Not a free replacement for this in London.


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