Why is my tablet not charging if the cable is conected?
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Before you spend money on a new charger or even a new battery & well before you consider taking your tablet apart to touch or solder anything try this that I read on a different post on this site. First disconnect your tablet from the power cord. Then hold down the on/off button for 30 seconds & while STILL HOLDING DOWN the POWER BUTTON, SLOWLY insert the power cable. Continue to hold down the power button for up to 30 seconds, AND VOILA, PRESTO, it was fixed WITHOUT taking the Tablet apart, WITHOUT spending a dime or even a penny!!!
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OMG IT WORKED, BUT WHY? My cheapo chinese tablet £60 from Amazon, 2 year old for the last two weeks seemed to take all night to charge up to 90%. Today it was at 31% all day, plugged in and charging, wifi & bluetooth off. after 6 hours still att 31%. Even when shut down same effect 31%.
Did this sequence and within 10 minutes 37% in the time taken to type this 41%.
you are just amazing ... i spent 2 days thinking that my tablet's battery will not work again .. until i tried what you said and it worked ....
thank you for your help
Amazing!!!??? I have a NuVision model TM800W560L. The procedure didn't work the first time, but did on the second try. Acted up again two days later after restarting tablet, so I repeated the procedure and it's charging like normal again. Thanks for the tip Kurt P
OMG! It worked!
it is not working
Its probably because you are using it whilst it is charging, let it charge when your not using it,or just let it charge for some time. If it still doesnt work,go to the shops and get your ipad/tablet thing checked. And make sure to take the charger with you, because it could be a problem with the charger
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omg it worked thanks so much, im disabled and my tablet is my boredom killer thnks
Oh my God it works thanks so much.
Worked perfectly. Thank you is not right word or I do. This is great.
Worked like a charm. No clue why, but it did work. Thanks!
Just read and tried this Jan 15th .
Unbelievable !!! Thanks for the share
And fix..
I have a Samsung note pro 12 inch only 4 months old and suddenly the battery wouldn't charge when I was on it or even on standby. It was also very slow when the tablet was off overnight. I'm in France and using a proper Samsung charger. I have just discovered that if I turn the charger the "wrong" way up it is charging like it used to do. I used to have it going via an extension cable and I think it was just fluke that I had it plugged in the right way round as the extension socket was on the floor, not vertical as when a wall socket. Hope this helps someone - only really relevant if you are using a 2 pin plug...
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Can u. Use. A vexation with your charger
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You gotta let it charge for 30 minutes without plug in and out.
If your tablet still not charging then i think you probably wanna go to the service center and let them check it out.
by Tan Chao Hui Gavin
yeah same here idk why
by alyssa
My tablet wouldn't charge so I restarted it and it stated charging
by Hudayba Khan
my tecno tablet 7c droid tablet it as not been charging when even it on since 2weeks now . it only charge when it switched off pls can i do to troubleshoot it get it done. help out. kehinde davies
by Davies Olayemi Kehinde
My iview tablet is not charger....no idea why not.
by Ria George
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