Replace the power supply fuse.
Is it possible to replace the PS4 power supply fuse?? If it is, whats the fuse amperage??
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Is it possible to replace the PS4 power supply fuse?? If it is, whats the fuse amperage??
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Hey mate, I would have thought the warranty would actually cover this fix. But from looking at photos of the PSU for the PS4, it is a soldered on type. So yes it can be replaced, but to do so you will need to de-solder it from the board and re solder a new one on. Here is a photo to help you;
As for the rating, I don't know, but should be stamped on the fuse.
If you do go to replace the fuse, just a reminder to be careful, as all power supply capacitors store a large charge (e.g. the two big 450v caps) and can cause damage/harm to you.
Hope this helps you out.
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Hi... I thought it would be easier ... just replace one for the other. thank you very much for help.
Yes it is possible to replace. You have to get the PSU out and remove the black plastic covers so you can see the bare board. There are probably multiple ways to remove the fuse but this is how I do it...I just unsolder one of the ends of the fuse from the board then get two pairs of pliers and hold the fuse with one and remove the end connector with the other. Then I do the same for the other side to get the fuse all the way out. You could also just unsolder both end connectors and maybe that would be easier.
The fuse itself is a T5AH250V 5mmX20mm fuse. You can find them on Ebay or Amazon.
I hope this helps!
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Thank you for your help, but its too much for my skills... which is close to zero!!!
Did you end up just buying another power supply? I'm assuming you tested the power supply fuse to be sure it's bad right?
soo what if a fuse blew in the power supply does it mean that the power supply is fried and I have to get a new one or can I just replace the fuse
I need the big long brown 450v 47uF capacitor
I need 3 btw :P
I'm not getting the fuse nearby so what should I do.The problem is only with the fuse
It's (almost) never the fuse if something goes wrong, it's always something else...
The fuse is only there if something goes really horrribly wrong - and the dimension of the fuse is so thet it would not burn under normal use and normal failures...
So if the fuse is burned, then there something really wrong with the PSU like a short on a primary switcher or something like that. But not just the fuse...
That's one of the reasons they solder down the fuse - you do NOT need to change it ever...
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In this case I'd kindly have to disagree. Looking at the board from left to right (L main input to R output) there are 4 sections. 1.Input and Surge Protection>>>2. Step Down and Rectification>>>>>>3. Voltage Regulation>>>>>>4. Filtering and Output.
The fuse is very close to the input surge and filtering possibly caused by a surge. However, a surge almost always takes out the capacitor.
Otherwise the only thing drawing much current on the front end is the stepdown transformer and they do go bad due to heat in the enclosed area. Just my two cents.
Very Respectfully
Not A Nerd
I replaced the fuse on my PS4 and it still burn out. I think the power supply it's fried....
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Hi, bumping an old thread but could someone post a pic of the backside of the ps4 power supply i have a blown ic over there that i am not able to idetify.
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Hey mate, shy of having a PS4 PSU board infront of me, from what i can find out the 8 pin IC is a DNP015NA
hey thanks man ,the ic thats blown is ic41 i am not able to idenitify the name of the ic ,DNP015NA seems to be in the fron of supply
hi guys its nicolas my ps4 was blown by a lightining so when i turn it on it gives me a blue light then it switches off again
Im looking at this and it is old, if my fuse blew because water entered the bottom side of the power supply. If i cleaned it with ipa would it work after replacing the fuse
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Mine won’t come on, light up, or nothing. Tried another pwr cord that’s not it. Is it my hard drive, software, or possible fuse??
@jonathanmanning it could be your power supply failing most likely, take it out and find the model, it will probably start with adp, search it up on ebay and buy the exact model and put it in your console and you should be sorted
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Replace the fuse F5103.
If it is, whats the fuse amperage??
by LEO