Breville Toaster Smart Oven Door Spring Issue broken, replacementhelp?
I understand that this isn't one of the ovens in this site, so I get it if you are unable to help, however I have a serious issue in which the toaster oven door sporadically opens because it is like a hair trigger; clearly there is an issue with the door spring. This has caused several unexpected burns, and has been going on for a few months now. We use it daily, and it would mean a lot if I could fix it. I just need to know what steps to get to the spring, and how to replace it; I have located a replacement spring already. Sadly, nothing already posted online can help, so this would be great as I have no money to hire someone to fix it. Thank you!
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I'm in the same boat and would love to find some insight on how to replace the spring.
by PixbyTodd
It sounded like the spring snapped. Now the door barely stays closed.
by Jeff Koons
I just called Breville and they fixed me up with 2 door springs and a crumb tray. Guy was very nice and checkout easy peasy.
by martin steinhorn