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20-inch, 23-inch, and 30-inch aluminum LCD displays introduced by Apple in June 2004. Models A1081, A1082, and A1083 respectively.

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Diagnosing Main Logic Board Blow? - With Photos

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Well I'm on a quest to repair my HD Cinema Display, rather than replace — or at least I was until I just saw this. Opened up the casing to find this major blow on the main logic board.

Can anyone tell me what this is and what would have caused it?

I have already procured the following replacement parts (which can be returned):

• New 150W Power Brick & New Power Cord

• New DVI/Firewire/USB All in One Cable

• Tested but previously used Logic Board

I am wondering what function this orange square serves and what would have caused such a blow out so that I can treat the root problem as well as the symptoms.

UPDATE 7/2/15: Helpful advice! Upon further inspection I realized it was not actually the orange square, but was in fact, the sections directly below it that blew.

Any advice, input or guidance would be much appreciated!

Thank You!

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Yes, it is for the 23". I was able to track down a new board, which I ordered.

I have the 90W and the 150W which I am told has solved some of the other problems the 23" have had.


I would recommend changing the main logic board and just using a normal 90W charger not the 150W as there is no need for the 150W


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Hey looking at the pictures it doesn't look like the orange square or a capacitor is what when wrong on this board. It looks like what ever was under it smoked and what is on the capacitor is simply smoke residue from what ever blew. But you say you ordered a 150W PSU but the board you posted looks like a 23in board not a 30in board but i could be wrong. But replacing the board should fix this display.

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I agree with Miles Blakesley about the residual smoke on the ORANGE capacitor. The source of damage is probably the LM 2672M regulator IC and peripheral components. You would have to be a skilled technician and exceptional solderer to replace the correct components and do the surface mount component parts that are damaged or determined bad. Your best bet is a known good board level replacement! Good luck!

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Hi there, do you happen to have the Service manual for the Cinema 23" DVI?

All the links to it are dead on iFixit. Thanks a lot


I would appreciate a service manual, too.


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I agree that you will need to replace the logic board but understand that the cinema displays logic board will after a time require more power to enable it to switch on. This is not a problem in the newer displays as you are able to plug the kettle lead straight into the back of the display. The older cinema displays eventually degrade and although it will still work you will need to provide extra power. (EG: 19" display will work initially with a 65w charger but once it starts to degrade it will require a 150w charger just to get it to switch on) As yet i have no definitive answer to this problem which is why i have ended up on this page. I work for a mac resale outlet and in the 4 years i have been at this company i have serviced hundreds of these displays and they all end up with the same problem in the end.

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After a bit more research i would suggest you go here for a more detailed explaination

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I have the same issue over here. Unfortunately itˋs difficult to determine which kind of chip burned itself, because of itˋs strange label.

itˋs printed Y5W1 on it, witch I cannot retrieve in databases.

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is there a circuit Diagram available?

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