What is the easiest way to clean the trimmer?
The trimmer sometimes gets hair stuck in the blades and doesn't work as well. What is the easiest way to clean the device quickly?
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The trimmer sometimes gets hair stuck in the blades and doesn't work as well. What is the easiest way to clean the device quickly?
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The easiest way to clean the trimmer would be to rinse it under a faucet. The trimmer is water resistant, so it won't be damaged by water. For more information, visit the Philips Norelco MultiGroom 3100 Troubleshooting Page.
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I have found that rinsing with water is quick and easy, but water has its risks. One, the cutters are made of steel and water can corrode them (rust or mineral deposits). Two, water could possibly leak into the electrical part of the shaver. A good brushing with an old toothbrush, plus occasional alcohol cleaning, and spray lubricant or light oil will preserve shavers. I find the foil shavers take more time to clean than rotary shavers, but they give a slightly closer shave.
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Another way my husband does it is by taking a soft bristle brush and brush off the hair off of it.
That works well to.
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I too have this problem!
i feel the esiest is to have a trimmer head that is divadable by two, so you can pop the trimmer"hood" and fix the problem, - for me, a mothboll of hair has been growing on the farside & is putting a real strain on the engine of the trimmer-blades..
so..i guess i try the alcohol thing before i go breaking in.. thanks Bob
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Hi Krille, were you able to break open the trimmer head? Could you let me know how you did so?
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