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The Xbox 360 is the second game console made by Microsoft, and was released November 22, 2005.

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My xbox 360 would not read my disc!

Does any one here knows how i could fix my xbox 360.My xbox does not want to read my disc and i do not want to send it to microsoft because i do not have any protection on it so if any one could help please do so thanks

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I don't understand it don't want to read a game but sometimes it makes a wired sound like there's something hitting something


I put in a clean disc but it doesn't accept it but when I put a scratch up disc it works


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A similar problem with the DVD not reading was solved by stripping down the DVD drive motor, removing the spindle, clean and lubricating with graphite.

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The laser is most likely the cause of your issues.

So you have three options.

1> Tweak the laser to make it stronger, it will eventually die but this is the cheapest, fastest fix. PDF Link (Difficulty: Hard)

2> Replace the laser. (Difficulty: Low to Medium)

3> Replace the DVD drive. (Difficulty: Physically easy. The software can be hard to very hard) To replace the whole drive you need to extract the key from the dead drive and spoof it onto the new drive.

All of these will void your warranty.

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I noticed that the laser needs to be on as the disc is spinning. If the motor has drag,(it doesn't have to be much ,) then the disc won't read. Why the motor powers off before the laser turns on I do not know


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This is usually caused by a failing DVD laser but in some cases can also be due to the laser not returning to the park position and thus getting stuck at the end of the rail. This issue usually only happens to the lite-on 74850C series drives, but may also happen to other drives. There is an easy fix if this is the case:

Get some 1-2mm plastic washers and cut 1 or 2 perfectly in half

Glue the 2 halves together in the half doughnut shape

Glue this piece at the end of the rail on the inner side like so (-

It's hard to explain in text but you just want the washer/s to stop the laser from going all the way to the end of the rail.

If anyone would like me to fix this issue for them, check out my site here:

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Neil MacDonald, great answer but please do not put you website in your answer as a link. You can have it in your profile. Many people on here have their own business, but it is considered spamming to advertise your own site. On here we help out FOR FREE. So unless you are doing Pro Bono repairs...LEAVE IT OFF


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Sorry, but the "accepted answer" is wrong. And cutting washers in half and gluing them to the rail is also wrong. Unless you know the exact voltage for the POT settings, don't waste your time trying to "tweak" them. 99% of the time the easiest and quickest repair is to replace the laser.

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just take 360 apart clean laser with clean Q-TIP an alcohol that will clean dirt or any stuff off the laser it worked for me dont tighten screws to tight when putting together disc tray wont open clean the system when you open it ok good luck.

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So the story goes, M$ wanted the 360 to be thinner. The engineers had to then cut the heat sink under the DVD drive to accommodate the smaller space. As a result, the DVD over heats and eventually fails. Cleaning usually does not work, as the laser is sealed from the back and only the lens is exposed. I have attempted to replace the laser in one of mine and this yielded no difference in the performance of the console.

LLAMA.COM has parts like the laser assembly if you are so inclined. Some game repair shops offer a DVD swap but you should know that the DVD firmware is keyed to firmware on board the main circuit board in the console. This requires one to "read" the encryption keys and then reflash the new drive with those keys.

Hope this helps.

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How you due encryption keys of dvd firmware


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if you changed the dvd key that why its not working. if you didn't then you need to find the problem. if its the laser clean it with alcohol or buy a new one.

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If you replaced your Xbox's disc drive it won't read games because the disc drive's deck is not compatible, you need original deck with original Xbox to work, (deck is the board with a chip on it, located on bottom of the disc drive.)

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You have image of this where is located


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you shouldnt directly stare at the laser, other than that though, if your drive isnt working, then you havent got much to lose from trying anything - go ahead, you might surprise yourself -

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Make sure the codec of your DVD disk is MPEG2 or it can never be read. Download HandBrake and after you go into the program, choose MPEG2 as the output, then burn the video to a blank disk and insert again to XBOX360. Or you can try another simpler way. In the selection list on the right side, you can choose the output format of XBOX360, MP4 H264, i think and stream the disk content to a USB and insert the usb to the XBOX usb jack for playback.

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Eu tenho um Xbox 360 que ganhei, porém ele é desbloqueado, joguei umas 2/3 vezes e parou de ler os discos, alguém sabe se consigo arrumar? Já me falaram que pelo fato de ser um modelo mais antigo seria difícil de eu conseguir peças. Desde já agradeço a ajuda 🙏🏻

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