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Device and repair information for the 60" LED HD TV by Samsung released in 2013, model number UN60FH6003FXZA.

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Blinking red light, doesnt turn on


My samsung tv wasnt turning on. The red light is just blinking

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Same problem here. Power on tv and Red light blinks and no picture . Occasionally the picture does appear after powered on however the usual plasma buzz sound is a little louder and after 5 or 10mins the picture drops out.

This tv has been so awesome, I really don’t want to lose it!

Model: PS59D8000


I have samsung slim tv led 32" 9000 series made in malysia i have same problem after turninig on power as than i got display of cable tvwhen i press my remote button red light led got automatically green after some time blinking red light constantly as well as i cant change my chanell whenever i manual scroll buttons control panel manually and comes manu option on why pleas do some sugestions positivly thanks muhammad jahangir


Hello sir my led tv 40 inch nipex brand this is a Indian product when I on the tv its power on but red light on only 2 are 3 times blinking only please tell me


My Samsung tv whenever I plug it in starts flashing and screen black


Can u help my Samsung 32 inch the red light keeps flashincant get tv on been doing it while now i have had it of for wks now troed tonyt red light still flashing cab u help


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mervinrs, this could be a multitude of things. the constant blinking (no pattern) is indicative of an error with the power management system. The quickest way to test is by disconnecting the main board from the power supply board, plug in the power supply board, after that you should see some lights in the screw holes if the power supply is good. If you do not, then you can either move on to the mainboard. Worst case scenario would be a bad panel, which can also cause this error. It might help if you post some images of the back of your TV with the cover removed as well as images of the different boards. Use this guide for that. Of course, a bad capacitor is always a possibility as well:-)

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My tv seems to work if I turn off the mains and leave unplug over night. Then when I switch it off it won’t turn on again from standby unless I unplug and leave it to rest.

What part should I replace if this happens?


what do I do if there is light through the screw holes when I unplug the power supply


@treypage "light through the screw holes" would mean that your backlight is on. Where do you unplug the power supply? What TV are we talking about? What other issues is this TV having?


Hi @oldturkey03, I have this TV with this issue , I disconnected the power supply board from the mainboard and the lights through the screwholes lit up like you said they might. Does this mean that I would probably just need to replace the Main Board? My TV Model # is UN60F6300AFXZA. No other issues.


@naviivan it's a wild guess without measuring the outputs etc., but yes I'd go ahead and try it.


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Most likly it's the power supply or the buffer boards or booth. Also it could be failled capacitors on the mail logic board.

If it's more the 4-5 years old it might not be worth fixing.

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I can't seem to get mine working it keeps flashing its red light and the doesn't turn on what do I do !!!!!!


It would deem that too many people have the same problem with not being able to turn our T.V,'s on, but have an annoying flashing red red. Reset button does not help. Why are they all doing the same,? Perhaps Samsung should not be selling us these televisions as they all have a fault.


Mine turned out to be a faulty remote control which had got stuck in sending mode. Taking out the batteries fixed the flashing red light problem.


Hi, I have the same story, flashing red light no picture. Samsung should refund, so many people with the same issue, my TV is only 2 years old, and paid a fortune for it. Very unhappy


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Change the batteries in the remote! It fixed mine

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Mine turned out to be a faulty remote control which had got stuck in sending mode. Taking out the batteries fixed the flashing red light problem.


Thx.... that was my issue....fixed..... had me scared sh$tless lol!!


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Simple problem turned out to be a faulty remote control which had got stuck in sending mode. Taking out the batteries or moving the remote control to another room fixed the flashing red light problem immediately. I ust need to buy a new remote control.

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Same problem when I turn on my tv the red light blinks 6 times and also there is no picture. What should I do ? Sony bravia x8200e


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if you can find the power source that directly plugs into the TV. Disconnect overnight and reinstall.

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Did that work


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Well, the answer to my problems was the main board and t-com board. But I ended up changing all 3 board because I purchased the whole now I have spare parts just in case. Go to

Look up the model it usually runs for about $100

Good luck, hope it works for you.glad to help.

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my samsung 40 inch led tv red light blink i test asyou instrction main board conector remove desplay

comming but i test with multemetor high voltage two capacitors 400volts 8.2 uf capaitors chaging voltage

defarant that capacitor cgaging voltage same or derarant two capacitor defarant chaging voltage

but same valev 8.2 uf 400 volt


I have a 75 inch plasma screen smart tv. So my tv was working fine I had shut it off when I turned it on again It worked for couple minutes then shut off and red light started blinking. I con not try remote due to anytime I plug the tv in it blinks right away without turning on. It has a blinking pattern of double blinks 4 times then pauses for a second on single blink click sound on the paused single blink and a second click on the first double blink then just keeps repeating


I have this *exact* problem. Have you found a solution?


My Samsung less than a year old blinks red every three-four seconds (lower right corner of this large smart tv). My Fios remote won't turn it on, nor will my Samsung remote. Both previously worked fine. The tv just turned off. Can't figure it out.


@oldturkey03 Have a Panasonic 42” had 10 blinks changed main, SS, and still have one blink code? Pretty sure I could’ve bought a tv, I’m hoping to switch some parts out and find the real problem and send a couple things back.. could this be a sensor problem? Or a bad power board that not giving sufficient power to main?


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Same question: blinking red light and tv won’t turn on. It barely turned off two nights ago just suddenly. I’m not sure what I’m really supposed to be looking for.

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Jackie H did you ever get this fixed? Problem solved?


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Hi, you might want to check out this video on youtube: - here the whole 'debugging' process is shown.

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@repairchannel first I was going to mark it as Spam since it is obviously your own video and we do not tolerate self promotion. I kind of thought I should at least watch it. I was pretty disappointed that the first half deals with repairs brought on by the testing. By now you know it would have been so much easier to test the no backlights with the flashlight test. IF you can make out the background, it is the backlight strips and nothing else. Same with the SMPS. You know that with Samsung TV's you disconnect the main board and if your backlight's turn on, your SMPS is not the fault. So your video is okay but very nondescript to the problems listed in this question. Try to produce something more specific where you give details about components that you blow up etc. Otherwise it's just a bunch of technobabble :-)


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