After power up both lights keep blinking forever
They never stop, onless you do it manually pressing both buttons. Actually yoy can make a warery expresso, pressing stop when your cup is near filling.
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They never stop, onless you do it manually pressing both buttons. Actually yoy can make a warery expresso, pressing stop when your cup is near filling.
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It is in descale mode.
Press both green lights for 3 secs and it will start flashing at a slower rate. When they stop flashing it is good to go.
Fool on the hill
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I did a decalcify which uses the same buttons. Before I read your message. It dis the same only took longer.
Thank you!!!.. Your answer is perfect. I got this and resolved, while the 2 lights were blinking, holding down both at the same time for about 3-4 seconds then release and the blink rate was a bit slower... then in a few seconds it come up to temperature and both lights on solid and it work normally again. I believe this was due to being stuck in "descale mode" as you suggest, and nothing you do (unplug, try to reset to factory settings, etc.) will fix it until you hold down both buttons for 3-4 seconds and get it out of descale mode.
Thank you!!
Thank you so much! You just save me from getting into traffic to take it for a possible repair! It is now as new
Perfect! Fixed in 10sec
Awesome, mahalo!
I was panicing, thinking I wasn't going to have my espresso.
Hi, I'm trying to use my Nespresso in my RV with 3000 watt inverter and does not work, the machine demand only 1350 watt
Anyone knows the problem?
Thank you
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Hi, I tried descaling my Inissia Krups machine but I made two mistakes - 1. I think I let it run dry when the tank emptied out and 2. I left a used pod inside the machine.
Now it comes on but the two lights blink at a faster speed. But if I press the lingo button to Let it descale again, nothing happens.
I can change the fast blinking to normal speed blinking by keeping both the buttons pressed together for about 4 secs. However after it does that and then stays on in Ready mode, I can't do anything to make it work. Whichever button I press just blinks and nothing happens.
Please HELP!
I have the same inverter-related problem. A 1500 watt/3000 max inverter for a 1200 watt essenza espresso machine. Works fine on house AC. Just three blinks of the lights and no coffee.
Same problem here: 2000/4000w 12V/230V inverter, and after warmup cycle starts blinking fast... No coffee ☹️
Same problem in my truck on 3000W inverter. Machine - Nespresso Inissia, on AC from wall outlet works fine. Anyone tried to put RC filter before the machine to skip some electronic noise from inverter?
was there any answer to the inverter issue ??as I am now having the same issue on my boat 3000w inverter machine rated 1300w.
I tried making coffee as usual. Lungo button flashed, pressed and nothing. Same thing for small cup. Tried reset. Read a few problems with others and decided to descale but same thing, this time flashed forever and then shut down, or stopped flashing hit the lungo and nothing happened. Any suggestions, it's out of warranty, so trying to see if it can be saved. Thank you in advance.
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I have the exact same symptoms. Unplugging it and plugging it back in solves it instantly every time, but every morning I have to go through this process. Thinking about plugging it into a mini powerbar with a switch on it, so I can quickly power cycle it.
Hi, I paired my machine with my old phone. Now I have got a new phone and when I want to pair my nespresso machine to it, it keeps showing the message that the machine is already paired and you have to do factory reset it. So I’ve done factory reset but it’s still showing the same message. what should I di?
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I tried resetting the machine and it worked fine (Turn off the machine's power button. Then hold Lungo button for 5 seconds while the machine is turned off.
The buttons will flash rapidly three times, and your Inissia has now been restored to factory settings.)
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You are the BEST!- when espresso is the BEST thing that happens to you, and your machine doesn’t cooperate, it blows!!!- you fixed it!!!
Thank you so much for solution. User manual is terribly written without many explanations.
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My Nespresso plus was descaled but the red/green button returned how do I reset to green? I tried all the steps suggested so far
I’ve done the same still my lights keep blinking and water doesn’t warm up! I have Nespresso Essenza mini don’t know what to do!
Not sure if the same symptom as you. For me, it powers up, but will never go solid light (ie. at temp). If I press a button to make coffee before it is at temp it will flash the light for that size, but after a while instead of making coffee it flashes both lights quickly and locks the machine.
Unplugging it and plugging it back in solves it instantly every time and lets me make coffee, but every morning I have to go through this process. Thinking about plugging it into a mini powerbar with a switch on it, so I can quickly power cycle it.
My hunch as an electronics technician, though I've never taken it apart to test my theory, is that the thermal compound for the temperature probe has gone bad, causing the reading to lag the heat, resulting in an overheat situation, which the internal logic eventually detects and locks the machine out. Hence why powercycling fixes it and results in normal espresso.
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My Nespresso when I turn it on it to heat up the water after few seconds both lights blinks on a faster rate and never stops unless I unplug from the for 5 to 10 seconds and push the large cup till the small blinks 3 times at this I can make the coffee. . I tried to push poth for 3 seconds it will not stop to blink fast
by Gino lerario
Hi, after descaling my Nespresso’s also don’t want to stop blinking- I tried pushing it for 3 seconds but it only switches off then- doing exactly the same when swithed on again?
by Lize
Hi, I had the same blinking lights after descaling, but it doesn’t stop, if I press both for 3secs it only switches off and repeat the blinking when switched on again
by Lize
when this happened on my machine, I changed the position of the water/steam lever to "off", then re-powered and it was fine.
by Bradley Hemphill
vertuo machines expect to "run dry" for 30 secs at both the end of the descaling solution and the rinse cycle. If you top up the water while it's still running it will just keep on going.
by Roo H.
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