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The PSP 300x was released in the U.S. on the 15th of October 2008. Repair of this device requires only common tools.

37 Questions View all

Why does the UMD driver affect button presses?

Basically, whenever I load a disc into the tray, the left button is interpreted to be constantly depressed by the system. This only happens when a disc is loaded. Could this be solved by flashing the system?

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No, don't flash the system. What's probably happening is that the flex ribbon for that side has been corrupted/damaged some how. I had to do this for a 3000 system on both sides, the 'L' and 'R' buttons didn't appear to be triggering until I got into a game (God of War for instance) and when I started playing, I could see problems.

Best thing to do is get a replacement 'L' button flex ribbon off eBay (shouldn't be more than $2) and follow only parts of this guide till you get to the ribbon that needs to be replaced: PSP 300xc Motherboard Replacement

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