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noone has answer my question yet please help me I broke my mirco sd and wondering if it can be fixed I broke my mirco sd and wondering if it can be fixed
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noone has answer my question yet please help me I broke my mirco sd and wondering if it can be fixed I broke my mirco sd and wondering if it can be fixed
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If the chip itself has been broken there is no fixing it
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iFixit is not a commercial repair service; we're not hanging out here all day waiting for you to post. Post once, and someone will answer when they believe they have something useful to say.
Odds are, the MicroSD card itself is not fixable - or at least, it's not fixable for any price that makes sense. A brand-new card will cost far less than anyone will charge you to fix the old one, if it can be fixed at all. My guess is, you don't actually care about the individual card itself; you care about the data that's on the card - probably photos. Yes?
Depending on the damage, the data may be recoverable by a recovery service such as Drive Savers in California. Such services specialize in recovering data from damaged media, and their success rate is far better than you're likely to get just by ordinary fiddling. It's worth phoning them for a free consult, to see what options they suggest; their phoneline is open 24/7. If you decide to follow that course, click my user name and you'll see my DriveSavers reseller number; that should get you a discounted price, and a somewhat better warranty.
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Sorry don't have a hissy fit if someone is caring about saving family photos of a deceasd one
No, I gotcha; I figured it was something like that. In that case, the Drive Savers option might be a good fit. It's not cheap, but they're super-sophisticated about that sort of thing, and they're very reasonable to talk to. The operators will talk you through the process, to figure out the recovery method that works for you. I've sent 15 clients to DS over the years, and their operators managed to talk 14 of them out of using the service. The only one that followed through had all the photos of their 2-year old on their dead hard drive. The rest of them had backups they'd forgotten about, or they decided the files weren't so important after all. One point: Does your phone do any kind of online backup? It's possible that some or all of those photos may be backed up to something likee Dropbox or Google Cloud; it's at least worth a look.
Just had a nice skype cal with driversaver.. $400 Costly but Worth it I guess
Once it's broken, there's nothing you can do to fix. I'm sorry to say.
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