frozen device crashed on hard boot
my orange was frozen, so i booted it. the device crashed and now appears to be broken and i have a fragrant residue on the boots that i used
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my orange was frozen, so i booted it. the device crashed and now appears to be broken and i have a fragrant residue on the boots that i used
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Some things just can't be repaired like Humpty Dumpty. What I would do is sweep up the pieces, put them in your disposal, run it and enjoy the smell and the cleaning effect of the orange on the disposal.
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I am saddened that my reply is too late to affect the disposal of your device, nevertheless I feel it would be remiss of me to neglect this opportunity to provide guidance to others who may suffer similar issues in the future. Though less risky, even a soft boot may lead to as @mayer has pointed out irreparable damage. However I feel every effort should be made to salvage as many components as possible prior to disposal. Although I approve in general of the proposed disposal methodology almost every component could have been recovered and repurposed instead of disposal. For example the outer packaging is not merely anti-tamper, that same material can be recovered and can then be used variously as noted earlier for it's olfactory value but also as a cleaning solvent and, remarkably as a very effective mosquito repellent. The fibrous inner segmented components can be utilized strangely enough as an aid to those suffering "irregularity" Most regrettable is the loss of the device's kernels or as they are occaisionally designated SEEDS. This obscure acronym possibly stand's for their function Self Enabled Entity Duplicators: properly recycled these can actually produce a potentially limitless number of fully functional orange devices. Please, I beg of you, recycle. All your devices. Thank you for your time.
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Best question ever! :D lol
by Gigabit87898