How do I find the heater fan speed control resistor?
Fan works, but not on 4th speed on 2001 Dodge Caravan
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Fan works, but not on 4th speed on 2001 Dodge Caravan
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remove your glove box and look for wires going into the duct work behind the glove box this will be your resistor
there are two conectors and two screws holding it on . The resistor is labled valeo in the photo upsidedown
hope this helps
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Generally, the resistor is in the air duct, probably on the engine side of the firewall, passenger side. Look for a plastic plate with a black plastic plug with 3 or 4 wires going into it held on with two screws. Remove the screws and the resistor assembly will come out. It will look like a bunch of springs with the ends connected to the terminals that the plug attaches to.
The reason the resistors are in the duct is that they get hot and the air blowing through the duct keeps them cool.
Good luck
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