The lock/unlock button does not stay locked
just bought Cuisinart smart stick csb-75 and the lock/unlock button does not lock when pressed in.
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just bought Cuisinart smart stick csb-75 and the lock/unlock button does not lock when pressed in.
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This should help. I felt your "pain" until just a little while ago. What I discovered is: Hold the Smart Stick in the palm of your dominant hand, just as designed. Press the low or high button and hold; nothing happens yet. Now with a finger on your other hand push, then release, the lock button on top. The blender motor should start as soon as you push the lock button down and stay running until you release the high or low button. This frees up your non-dominant hand for holding the container that you are mixing.
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Omg, thank you!!!! I've been using it for weeks now with both hands because I didn't know how to use the lock feature and thought it was a defect also. You just saved half of my day from returning it!!!
Thanks for the tip. I might add that the speed buttons actually have 3 settings if you may: on, off, and stand by. What I mean is after you press the low/high button and then press the lock button on top, you can then "relax" your finger in order to pulse indefinitely or standby - as long as you keep finger on the 'trigger." If you lift your finger completely, then you'll have to start again with pressing the lock button. Once gotten used to, it's not as annoying as one might feel. It is a safety feature after all. Hope this helps others struggling with this.
This only works if you have large, strong hands. I don't.
@Andrew Huang - The standby feature does not work on my Smart Stick. As soon "relax" my finger, the unit locks again. :(
You the man James!
This feature sucks either way and why put a child safety lock on an adult tool! Food for thought
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Agree, really stupid unnecessary feature. The lock button should hold the power button while using the blender so you don't have to keep pressing the power button while in use and then when you pressed again should unlock the power button and stop the blender as any hand tool does. Again complete silly.
Amen. Sucks!
Exactly! What a poorly designed tool! Requiring two hands is idiotic…who’s holding the bowl?!?!
I tried operating the stick blender with 2 hands and it was a disaster. Holding the "lock" button with one hand and holding the "Low" button with the other hand, suddenly the mixing carafe became unstable and the smoothie I was mixing splashed all over the kitchen.
I HATE this feature. My hand is not strong enough or even large enough to operate the thing with one hand.
I called Cuisinart Customer Service and the agent said I should return the blender to the store and exchange it for a different Cuisinart model that doesn't have this feature, but he couldn't tell me which of their stick blender models don't have the feature. I then emailed their customer service and so far they have not answered my question, they are just telling me it's a "safety feature." Whoever designed this stupid thing is a complete idiot, I'm sorry.
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you are not supposed to operate it with two hands. As James explained above Press the low or high button and hold; nothing happens yet. Now with a finger on your other hand push, then release, the lock button on top. The blender motor should start as soon as you push the lock button down and stay running until you release the high or low button
If you want to go a little more in depth and fix this more or less permanently, it's quite easy. There are 3 screws under covers on the back. Then the two pieces can be gently separated, they are held together by two clips. I turn was able to defeat the lock mechanism by looping a zip tie through a hole that now holds it in the 'unlock' position.
This took me about 5 minutes. It now works like any stick blender should!
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Sounds like a plan. The Gorilla Tape solution has to be reapplied. Thanks.
Zip tie did it. Cuisinart has too many product liability specialists involved in the design process.
They apparently have heard about this work around and have changed their electronics to defeat this!
I have a Multiquick 9 I bought a few months ago and even with your “fix” applied—after timing out for approximately 6 seconds, the safety lock engages no matter what you do.
I hope someone comes up with a work around for this problem to correct an infuriating mess Cusinart has created!!
This is a feature, not a bug.
I mean that it is intentional on the part of the manufacturer.
I have not found a way to use the appliance without using both hands, which leads me to believe that they might have done this as a safety feature, to keep you from running it with one hand and cutting the other.
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If you use both hands to operate the blender, you have no way of holding the mixing carafe. I tried using both hands and the carafe suddenly became unstable so my drink splashed all over the kitchen.
The one-hand method doesn't work for me either because my hand is not large or strong enough to hold the blender and press both buttons.
That is what I found too. My hand is not strong enough to fool with the buttons and it is pretty hard to keep pressing on the low and high buttons. I am going to take it back to the store and buy a different one.
This may be appropriate or not, but I did this to use the tool I paid for with ease the way I intended to use it. I cut a small piece of duct tape and taped down the lock button before I start my project that way you can use either button to do what you need to do and not have to continually stop and push the button down (Just another use for amazing duct tape no home should be without if it can’t be done with duct tape it probably can’t be done!)
This is how I fix this %#*@ problem. Before I start my project I take a small piece of duct tape and tape down the lock button then you can use both buttons on and off until you were done. Now I can finally use the tool I bought without having to use two hands to hold the dang thing
How do you get the lock/unlock button to stay down while duct taping it? Didn't work for me.
Thank you so much!! l was gong to take the unit back because l thought it was a defect. Even though l thought figured it out, but not the way you answered me. l tried your method. l was doing it wrong this whole time! l was dong t backwards. Thank you again!! l wish the directions would explain how to use or operate the unit.
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My wife has small and not very strong hands aswell, so after a few complaints about her new Christmas present, I read this thread, and then took my trusty gel type super glue in hand. I squeezed some around one half of the button, and then pressed the button down and held it down for a few min with a hair drier to speed up drying. Once it let the button go it stayed, and I smeared the rest of the glue around the top of the joint again. Seems to have worked good and wife can use it with no problem. Good luck.
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OK, here's what I was doing wrong: following the instructions helpful people have posted I got the d**n thing going fine BUT as soon as you release the pressure on the low/high button even a little bit the dumb stick stops. So, it's either using both hands (or duct tape) or getting a cramp.
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Duct tape! I cook for a living and taping that stupid safety button down happened about 30 seconds after I first figured out the idiocy of the design. Unfortunately you have to replace the tape periodically, because it will stretch over time.
Gorilla Tape. Otherwise it looks like there are 3 screws you can take out and have a go.
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OMG!!!!! I almost returned this product thinking it was detected. I actually hate this feature not necessary AND why the heck did they not add this info in the instructions/recipe booklet. Thanks so much for the help!!
I called to get help troubleshooting it. They asked if my outlet was working. I said yes. I asked for more assistance and you would have thought they would have walked me through starting the %#*@ thing. No she just told me to take it back. If I would not have seen this I would have drove 2 hours to take it back and get another that did the same %#*@ thing. The person that told us the correct way to use this should have wrote the manual. The person that wrote the instructions to use this needs to get a different job!!!
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Yes it was a pain getting used to starting it. Now it won’t start at all and I am sure it is that cursed dead man function. The top which is the safety button just wobbles and won’t click in. So now my blender is trash. I’m going to look for a brand that doesn’t have an extra button to break.
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