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The Wii Remote is the original, primary controller for the Nintendo Wii game console released November 19, 2006. The model number for the original Wii Remote is RVL- 003.

42 Questions View all

Why is there no curser?

There is NO courser (NO hand) when I turn on the Wii remote?!?

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Do you have the Sensor Bar connected to the unit and is it positioned for your remote to register? Otherwise you will not get the hand cursor.

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there is no console unite. (I never had one, just the remote). But it has worked before, it's just lately that the cursor hand is missing? Ive been using the remote to watch Netflix. ;)


Check to see if your sensor is plugged into the Wii tight. Or if your battery is good.


OMGoodness. There is NO console unit! Just the wii remote! It has stopped showing the cursor for whatever reason!! :( & YES the batteries are good. I just want to somehow get the cursor back.


You need the Wii Console and a Sensor bar plus the remote.


Hmmm...Ive gotten netflix with just the remote before without the console.

(thats the only thing I am using the remote for, is to watch netflix. )

But all sudden the last few wks, the cursor (hand) is gone? I have NO idea why! :(


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no cursor went and purchased new remote no cursor plugged in tight positioned bar new batteries still no cursor

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If your Nintendo Wii Remote’s cursor is not appearing where it should or is not appearing at all, see the Nintendo Wii Remote Cursor Isn’t Where It’s Supposed to Be problem page for possible problems and solutions.

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