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Repair information and guides for the iPhone 6S released by Apple on September 25, 2015. Models: A1688, A1633

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iPhone 6s Searching/No Service

I have an iPhone 6s that has the searching/no service issue. I've seen this a lot online with the iPhone 6/6 Plus, but no one really talks about it with the 6s. Is it caused by the same baseband ic issue or is it another chip? I've looked around to get this repaired, but no one really seems to offer this service. Does anyone know where I can get this chip reballed? Thanks in advanced!

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I had this problem after replacing the screen. I took the cellular antenna out (see youtube for videos) and cleaned using an alcohol screen cleaner (polaroid) and wiped with screen/glasses cloth. Put the antenna back in place and re-connected the battery and hey presto, problem solved. I was using the method of rolling the screen across my leg, which worked for a while. Also, I think warming the phone up helped as well, but cleaning the area where the cellular antenna is seated helped and got the iphone working.


This is the solution, i tried every thing,about 1 week, no way to take back the signal, and this $@$* really worked


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Thanks very much, man...I appreciate your help...


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Give a shout out to @refectio here on IFIXIT, or search through the pros here on iFixit. If you cannot find what you are looking for here, search for Chris Long on youtube.

I've done several 6 and 6 plus, but not had the "6s or 6S+" with searching or no service.

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Thanks for the recommendation. I found most of the places on google don't fix this issue. I'll contact some of the pros here to see who might be able to fix it.


I had the same issue and fixed it by replacing the lightning connector assembly. I was able to find one for $5 on ebay. Took about an hour to replace and this was my first time taking apart an iphone

iPhone 6 Lightning Connector Assembly Replacement


I have issue with my iPhone 6


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The antenna may have become dislodged.

  1. While sitting down, turn your phone screen facing down in a horizontal position across your upper leg.
  2. Firmly rock it left-to-right across your upper leg for about 5-10 secs. (Be careful not to do it so hard that you bend your phone).
  3. Switch your phone to Flight Mode and back again to reinitialise the network search.
  4. Repeat if necessary.

This should re-seat the antenna and restore network connectivity.

I had exhausted all other software options, and this is the only thing that actually worked for me! I've been doing this for a few weeks now and it consistently restores service to my iPhone 6. I still lose network every few days (sometimes multiple times in a single day), but this method restores it every time.

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This worked! Thank you!! :)


Thank you so much for this! Had my battery replaced by apple and it can back showing no service. Nothing worked! The people at apple were completely useless too when I went back. Stumbled on this comment and it worked!!


This worked great, thanks I did this and then had to reset my network settings and haven't lost service yet.


This worked a few times, thanks! After that I discovered that I removed the isolation tape while doing a repair. Just replacing that solved my problem completely.


wao.. perfect solution worked for me. i searched alot of solutions this look funny but worked for me after restarting phone. Thanks


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This is pretty common for every 1/10 Iphones. I always review the following.

  1. Check for Carrier Updates, this is typically done with the sim and wi-fi connected.
  2. Check for iOS Update
  3. Test for Signal, if fail proceed to next steps.
  4. Look for APN settings on the phone and remove it, this can cause a signal interruption. I believe it's in Settings>General> APN. This does not appear in all phones and this varies on where the phone was purchased from. Some APNs can be found in Cellular > Cellular Data Options > APN/Cellular Data Network. Just look around to see if one exists.
  5. Test for Signal, if fail proceed to next steps.
  6. Manually search for a Network in Settings > Carrier (turn off automatic) see if you can manually search for the tower of your carrier.
  7. Test another Sim Card to ensure it's not a hardware issue. Frankly, some phones, primarily samsung, gets picky about the sim type you use. I'm not familiar with Sim Cards and how they function, I just know that if one type doesn't work try another type.

Hope this helps.

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Have you opened it recently? If so, a antenna connector cable could have came lose or not been fully seated back .

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It was opened recently. I've checked all the connections and done all the troubleshooting steps and it still seems to have the same issue.


How do I check the antenna connector?


it will like a string with a very small silver/ gold top part that connects to a small circle adapter


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Hi all, i have the same problem. My sim card is being detected but I have no service.

The sim is working in another phone and the iPhone is water damaged,so I’m pretty sure it’s a hardware problem.

Do someone know which chip it is most likely? Or which chips are involved in this issue?

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Did you happen to get yours fixed? I have the exact same issue with my phone having some water damage as well. =[


Ethio SiM Network On iPhone 6s_Plus


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I have same issue. Probably software issue. Need downgrade or something upgrade to solve. My phone have iOS 11 update of 1.21gb size but I am not updating hoping my iPhone will die or any other issue will arise.

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Then d baseband (network) ic should be replaced or reballed. Few Engineers do it in Lagos Nigeria

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Where in Lagos please and at what cost?


Salad tinubu Victoria Island Lagos


Sorry It's Saka tinubu, I meant


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yes this issue must be fixed by apple ,or file a suit

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I have the same problem.

my phone works perfectly on T Mobile, it’s the model a1687 so it should have worked with Verizon but it doesn’t.

when you turn on the phone or after switching airplane mode on and off its says “searching” then it shows “Verizon” for a few seconds with no bars and then “no service till the end of times”

After doing some research I found out the problem, and it’s that Apple sucks in every conceivable way

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Just putting it here because I had an 6s with the same issue and found that the culprit was the aerial jumper linkage in the top left of the phone, doesn’t look faulty but there was a definite resolution of the signal issue when it was replaced. It was initially very dirty so I cleaned it the first time but didn’t help. So if all else is failing then this might be just the answer you are looking for.

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I have no service issue with my iPhone6s with 1 rectangle sign beside that no service

Please any solutions to it,have try software and hardware on it it still dsame thing


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if no service or searching need to reball baseband or bbpmu (power managment for baseband)if its freeze sim no sim after few secconts replace u5411 ic and problem solvet…all time this problem happen after lcd replacement

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Same problem here. Just wondering how on earth it could possibly happen? Worked fine from the start, and just stopped and now screaming "No service" all at once...

Replacing the SIM, resetting "Network settings", resetting ALL settings, and no luck!

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I have the identical problem and it has been going on for months now. Slapping it on my knee and then resetting it and powering off seems to help occasionally. I took it to the Apple store and they said I needed a new antenna which would cost close to $300. As if. IHave tried all of the above fixes and they seem to be temporary if and when they do work. Doesn’t exactly give you a time and fuzzy feeling about having a reliable communication device with you for emergencies or otherwise! Think it’s time for a mass complaint . unless Apple can explain why this occurs so frequently to so many phones and it goes on and off class action suit Similar to their “battery” issue may encourage them to fix the problem/or prevent it from happening in the first place.


I totally agree!


Totally agree same issue!


@Stephon Resuah, I felt I wrote the comment you wrote, word by word! That was the Apple store's response to me plus a sarcastic: "your iPhone 6 is really old, it's time to change it anyway". I had a perfectly working phone until today and it suddenly stopped with the "searching" or "no service" sign on top left. All the soft, hard, software reset and restore didn't work. Apple looked inside and said there are no water damage which is a common cause of it. They said at the store: "this is common and the chip that reads the SIM just stops working at some point"! I felt their answer was pretty cocky corporate with a well-practiced sales technique to just buy-another-phone attitude. When are we getting enough of this buy-more-to-feel-happy culture?!


Apple Store didn't even give me a reason, other than I should really update my iPhone (hardware). Have to go back because didn't realize the tech actually locked up the phone and gave it back that way! Screen says to reset through iTunes, but keeps erroring out half way through. (plus no appointments yesterday, so going on day 2...). Not happy that I gave them a semi working phone (apps/internet/imessaging), and they gave me back a a phone that has NO value :/. We'll see if they can resolve later this evening...


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I also face the same issue with my iPhone 6s.

Having a doubt. When some people fix the screen protection sheet, they press the screen heavily. Will this lead to this kind of problem?

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No, that would not affect the signal.


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Hello. See this video for fix Searching/No Service iPhone 6 on youtube :

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Dec 2018

same symptoms here. Above loose connector fix did not fix it. I also noted that when syncing to pc (itunes) that it always insisted applying a network patch. Just before opening my i6 l tripped across apples site saying to follow a procedure at their site to fix.

or search no service or searching

Both iphone and ipad

my i6 is only 6 months old and lost my receipt so l am so glad this worked!


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I had this issue on a phone I was working on yesterday. I performed various tests including a new charge port with a new antenna with no success. It was a locked device so I couldn’t test it with a new sim card. It just suddenly began working again after trying for 45 minutes. Our master technician said it could have been a bad IC chip, which reballing wouldn’t have solved and it can’t be replaced. He also said that iPhone 6s, 6s plus, 7, and 7 plus have been known to have this issue every once in a while.

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This may help and maybe not. I tried all of the above fixes and nothing helped. I rebooted the phone, took out the sim card and cleaned it, etc. As a last resort I reconnected my lightning plug and twisted it. It was back to functioning like new. Just my two cents. Good luck!


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I recently got my screen replaced. Prior to that thou, ive never had this problem im thinking when he replaced my screen he might have accidently did something . when i shake it it does sound like something is loose. How do i open the screen? i dont wanna mess up my Ihpone6Plus. I really love this phone

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May be I can help you with this …

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Oh I hope so,


Just let me know what i need to do?


i have the same problem with iPhone 6s, can you help me.


I also have problem with my iPhone 6...he did not bring Sim card just writing searching..and my number is



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i have same problem iphone 6 Solution plz…

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yep me too. 6s.


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I’ll suggest two things to try. Do the first one and test for results. If no good then do the second one.

  1. remove the SIM card and clean the contacts with a pencil eraser.
  2. Follow the guide on iFixit for replacing the antennas. I did this recently on my wife’s iPhone 6 which was having cell connection problems. It was constantly dropping calls and the phone would indicate poor signal or no service. The GPS functions were also not working well. I replaced the antennas but might not have needed to. When I was disassembling the phone I found many of the screws holding in the antenna were loose. Making sure those connections are clean and tight could be the only fix you need. In my case I went ahead and replaced the antennas since I had new ones right there. The problem is solved in our case.

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