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Repair information and guides for the iPhone 6S released by Apple on September 25, 2015. Models: A1688, A1633

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Touch IC ios 11 error

Hi all! First, thank you for being there for all us repairshops all over the world!

My issue is - i work in a repairshop and we do a lot of iphone repair among others. I've been using a semi original screen for the repairs i've done - original LCD and Digitizer, the rest is high copy. There has never been issues with these screens ever since iphone 6s arrived on the market. But, they all have unoriginal Touch-IC on them (on the screen, if unoriginal, it'll be all blank) and again, they always worked fine for us.

Now, a few days ago Apple released IOS 11 - and since then, i've had 2 phones who, between 30 seconds to 1 minute after updating to IOS 11, lost touch completely. I've had 10 different screens on them, none working in touch - but if i take a broken original screen and plug it on, everything works just fine. DFU restore does not help, maybe momentarily, but touch will stop working again within short time.

I've been asking colleagues and others if they experinced anything like that, but none have, because IOS 11 has only been around for a few days, and no one wants to update right away. It's just weird that 2 phones in 2 days have done the same. It is as if they bumped up the voltage in the screen by just a little bit in the IOS, so the unoriginal IC's will fail. Maybe i'm just going crazy and seeing conspiracys, so any one who experienced anything like this, please come forward :)

The same issue was on LG nexus 5x, however this was an error in the production and an inferior NAND that could not stand the tiny bump up in the voltage during the update, and LG swapped boards under warranty - but this is not the same situation, i'm just saying it's been seen before :)

Update (10/14/2017)

Hi ya'll..

Sorry for my absence - and thank you for all your contributions! It seems that good guy Apple (irony may occur) have solved this one for us on IOS 11.0.3. If your or your customers phone decide to throw touch, force update to 11.0.3, and all should be good. This is only regarding iphone 6S, none other. The other models/cases in this thread are sadly mostly results of faulty screen or an error made by the technician :)

But, we have another problem facing us: iphone 7/7+ - if you are so unlucky to break your homebutton or sensor flex, your phone will not boot, it will just stay at the apple logo. You simply cannot just go changing them with aftermarket parts or OEM parts, it must be fully original (not chinese-original), which means 1. much, much harder to get, 2. much, much more expensive. This does, however, not effect screens, you can easily use the high copy grade - as long as the small parts are ORIGINAL! So, fair warning my friends, be very careful not to bust anything when taking the screens apart. Basically, Apple reinstated error code 53, but not as an itunes error, more as a phone that'll brick when booting. If you switch to original parts, it boots just fine again. Apple has not yet solved this in the latest update like they did touch-ic error on iphone 6S, and who knows if they will at all. Back in the day, they got convicted into removing error 53 (if you had aftermarket homebutton installed on ip6, your phone would brick on updating in itunes, until original button was mounted), as it was a violation of consumer rights, as Apple was making it possible, only for Apple to fix it. We are facing the same problem here, basically - and as i see it, there are 2 solutions: Apple will have to change this (as this haven't been a problem the since ip7/7+ release, but is a new thing in thread with ios 11), or we be very careful, and buy original parts when we mess up. My personal opinion: get a lawsuit going, so we get the possibility and freedom of using the parts we want (and the customers want in most cases, as it is much cheaper for them as well), back!

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Same problem here, i recieved 10 Iphone 6s screens form today.

A couple of minutes ago i decieded to test them all, none of them are responsive to touch!

I tried an original broken screen and it worked fine...


Thank you for your feedback :) It must be a matter of short time before sparepart producers have a fix for this IC issue, as i don't think it's solveable in software release - and apple especially has no interest in changing stuff again, as they will have plenty swaps because of this. Unless we are smart and make the producers change their production method to using original IC's.


And i also have to say, it seems they reinstated error 53, without calling it error 53. I just had an iphone 7+ for screen exchange - the good news is that IC's on 7/7+ are updated, and will work on IOS11 - however the iphone demands that all is plugged in, sensor, homebutton and screen. If they are not plugged in, it'll just stay at the apple logo. I tried with the sensor and screen only, nothing - homebutton and screen together, nothing. Everything plugged ind - it starts and works. which in my understanding means that if your homebutton dies, you're screwed :) Again, does anyone know anything to further my point - be my guest :)


I tried several screens with all the connectors plugged in but no effect .


on iphone 7/7+? Or iphone 6s - and i'm not sure i understand - it's not working? If not, it might be an inferior screen - but i can't say for sure. The ones i use are high copy, and the result was good when i plugged all in..


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So for iPhone 6s aftermarket screens, check if the phone has iOS 11 before doing so..

If it does then you can't use an aftermarket screen for now and only OEM.

Edit: Luckily I have an 6s myself with original screen. Time to go test some aftermarket replacement screens.

Sweet my aftermarket 6s and 6s plus work fine on iOS 11.

Update (09/22/2017)

I think it's pretty normal for the phone board to feel hot after turning it off and on multiple times.

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You are absolutely right - that is the safe play. However, i've been in contact with manufacturers all day and it seems that not all unoriginal IC's are bad. The story goes, that a lot of them can't be software updated, and those that can't, wont work. This means that the copies are okay to use, as long as they have been tested on IOS11 prior to purchase. So if you have a shop, make arrangements for returning your copies and have them tested - if they don't work, have them swap these with ones that have been tested. At least thats what i've done, and that's my advice. I expect the next generation of copies to hit the market, will have been tested to make sure they work, or have original IC's, as this is a brand new thing that the manufacturers haven't been aware of till now :)


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Hello everybody,

Regarding the 6S aftermarket Lcds issue, today I made this test: I took a 6S phone with original Apple screen; I updated its IOS 10.3.3 to IOS 11.0.1. Then I switched the screen with an aftermarket one, Tianma brand; all worked fine, no touch screen issue; tested for many hours; then I repeated the experience with a 2nd device which was not responding, as my client made the update to IOS 11 using a Tianma compatible LCD ; I switched to original, made again update to IOS 11.0.1, then install the same Tianma compatible LCD that he used; and it worked; no blocking, also tested for many hours. Hope this will help you. Don't worry, be happy.

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Hi :) Have you tried resetting the phone again after the little party trick? I'm afraid it'll cause it to die again according to my studies.. So it's kinda like peeing in the pants to keep warm at winter - it's a temporary fix which means that repairshops are in risk of have warranty replacements at a later point, so it's just like shoving the problem in front os us.. I have it on good authority, that the Chinese manufacturers have solved the issue going on forward.. So still, the best advice is to return what you have, and get fresh supply. If you are the customer, take the phone back to the shop and have them make a warranty replacement on the screen, if you still have warranty, that is..


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"Update: As we all know aftermarket is having some issues with certain LCDs on IOS 11, however it is happening for some and some of you aren't experiencing any issues. This unfortunately has to do with the IC Driver Software that is in the LCD. Hancai and Tianma LCDs that use Copy Driver, Aichuangjia (Flex/IC Manufacturer) are not compatible. The use of the IC isn't strong enough to handle the iOS configuration which will cause the IC to shutdown and have no touch. Please Keep in mind that there is about 100s of different Flex/IC manufacturers so your LCD which is Tianma could be compatible and the other person having Tianma may not be. Generally it costs more for better Flex/IC which is the main core functionality. It's best to return to your supplier if you get any of those which don't work and know if it's compatible or not."

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I own my own repair shop. I have found that my iPhone 7/7+ aftermarkets are good to go with iOS 11. I am yet to have a 6s or 6s plus repaired the last day or so with iOS 11 to test my screens with this issue. This definitely isn’t good if it is the Case. Everyone will loose customers if the customers think that your repair shop is the problem when in reality it’s not our fault. Wish the best of luck to everyone.


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Works for me with the 11.0.3 update !

- Addresses an issue where touch input was unresponsive on some iPhone 6s displays because they were not serviced with genuine Apple parts-

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+1 Great to hear this may finally be resolved. Hopefully it helps everyone with non-compatible aftermarket screens.


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A friend of mine who owns an iPhone 6s (with a replacement screen as she dropped her phone a while back) updated her phone to iOS 11 and the screen stopped working as well. I did DFU reset and it doesn't work as iTunes would restore the phone with iOS 11. So I downloaded iOS 10.3.3. and restore it using that, and the screen works again! I guess from all the answers I've read, iOS 11 doesn't work with a non-original iPhone screen, your best bet is to downgrade to iOS 10. Hope that helps!

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How you downloaded 10.03.3? on a computer? thnaks for helping, I have the same problem.


I followed the instruction from a YouTube video by Payette Forward "How to put an iPhone in DFU Mode & DFU restore your iPhone", there's a link on the bottom bar of the video that you can visit and download the iOS 10.3.3. But be warned that it will wipe out everything on the iPhone, for some reason my friend's iCloud backup doesn't work, so just a heads up.


And yes, you would need a computer to do that


will you lose any data by doing this?! have overseas holiday photos i dont want to lose :(


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Had this exact same problem: An iPhone 6 with an aftermarket screen. After upgrade to iOS 11 the touch screen didn't work - at all. Couldn't even enter the access code.

The moment for downgrade to iOS 10 has passed as Apple is no longer letting you download a signed copy of iOS 10. You can probably downgrade to iOS 10 by downloading the IPSW file from some dodgy website. But who wants do that ?

Anyway, here's what worked for me:

You need to do a power cycle.

... which is in fact not that easy to do. You would think that restarting the phone also did a power cycle (as is the case on a desktop computer), but this is not the case on an Apple phone.

The instruction for power-down procedure is almost similar to the restart procedure, but with a twist. The instruction below is on the assumption that you cannot use the screen at all. (otherwise there are easier ways to do it). Here we go:

  1. Hold down the Home button and the Power button simultaneously. Keep holding.
  2. First, the screen will go black. Keep holding.
  3. Then you'll see the Apple logo. Keep holding.
  4. Finally - after some 20-30 secs - the screen will momentarily go black again and this time you must release the buttons immediately. If you miss this point the phone will go into recovery mode, where it will ask you to recover via iTunes. But if you hit the right point in time, the phone will stay powered off.
  5. Leave the phone powered off for at least 1 min. Then turn it back on.

After this procedure my aftermarket touch screen worked with iOS 11.

It is yet too early for me to say if the fix is permanent or if the touch screen now works temporarily. But a full power cycle is at least worth for everyone to try before panicking.


Unfortunately this was not it. I believe it worked once because the phone had been completely powered down for something like 12h. I've read some reports that the chip controlling the screen on these aftermarket thingys becomes extremely hot when used with iOS 11. So it makes sense the screen will work temporarily if you leave the phone off for some time. Not a solution of course.

Brought it to the repair shop in the mall where I purchased the aftermarket screen. They said (11 Oct 2017) that they had had 10 people coming on that same day and all wanted a refund or a replacement. They were awaiting information from "upstream" as to what to do about it.

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I had a replacement screen on my 6s and it immediately failed after the iOS 11 upgrade. This morning I went back to the mall kiosk I bought it at. The guy takes my screen off and puts another of his new replacements screens out of a box and plugs it in. Nothing. Without putting the phone together he takes another new one out of the box and plugs it in and this one works. HOWEVER, within about 30 seconds he touched the motherboard where the screen plugs in and said "this isn't good, it's really hot!" and told me to feel it. I felt it for myself and said, "you're right, just put it back together so I can run over to the Apple store! Two hours and $150 later I was up and running again.

Apple wanted to talk about resets and restores and this and that and I just said, none of that is necessary, just put on OEM screen on this thing and it will come back to life. All is well. It reminds me I need to back up my phone more often! Early indications are I think with iOS 11 we are in store for much shorter battery life. Seems the phone is working harder at rest. Frankly, I have no idea what is new about iOS 11. Best to everyone!

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So you paid twice?:( there is nothing wrong with your mainboard, at all! The heat is normal, it gets to about 60 degrees Celsius at startups normally - so I think you've been ripped - the mall kiosk screens are the problem - not your phone..;) the only reason, and I must as a technician with 10 years of experience, underline the fact, that the only problem in this whole Case is IC's on the screen - it's inferior, which means he cheated you into getting your phone fixed twice - and pay for it twice..;)


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Definitely something wrong with the new ios 11 and touchscreen replacements. Spent a good part of the day restoring my iphone to ios 10 to get the touchscreen to work again.

Strange thing is that the touch screen worked for about a day after freezing for basically a whole day, reinstalling a new home button and fiddling around with it, and then went back to having touch screen functionality on and off, but finally becoming unresponsive. >.< why ios 11 why?

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Reintall the home button and front face camera flex cable after updating the ios 11

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Recently, I replaced a friend's iPhone 7 Plus prior to the release of iOS 11. He broke the replacement aftermarket screen & he gave me the phone with iOS 11.0.1 on it! Replacement broken screen touch works fine & I've just replaced it again for another new aftermarket screen; everything works fine!

I have photos of the rear of the original Apple screen as well as the two replacements screens. All the chips have digits printed on them.

Edit: this is the chip on the replacement screens with the digits printed on them

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Updating the device to 11.0.2 did the trick in my case!

my screens were unresponsive on IOS 11 an 11.0.1, i updated them to 11.0.2 today and the screen are working again.

i suggest you guys try it!

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iOS11.0.2 did not work for me, but 11.1 beta 2, available to all beta testers actually solved the problem for me. There are more cases like mine in Apple support forums.


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Any feedback on ios 11.0.3 that addresses the iphone 6s unresponsive touch screen?

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Hi Djem. There are quite a few questions here on this subject and several posters have confirmed that 11.0.3 solved the problem. You should definitely try .


Hi! I just updated mine to 11.0.3 and it works!


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Does that screen fix also applies at iPhone 7 plus? Or is it just the 6s?

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Kenneth, no it does not. There never was a touch issue on 7/7+ - only the problem I described in the beginning :)


Well, there is also an issue with the 7plus. At least in my case. I changed the screen after I updated to 11 and that made my screen froze and the 3D Touch didn't work. Downgraded to iOS 10.3.3 and it work like a charm


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