Where's the CMOS battery on Dell Latitude e4200?
The CMOS battery has given up on my E4200. How do I go about replacing it? Is it just one of the usual CR2032 button batteries?
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The CMOS battery has given up on my E4200. How do I go about replacing it? Is it just one of the usual CR2032 button batteries?
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If you follow this guide to remove the keyboard the CMOS battery is located in the upper right corner of the machine. It looks like it has wires soldered to a connector thus requiring either a soldering job or a simple online purchase of a new one.
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You can find a guide on how to replace the CMOS battery for this laptop in the service manual that I linked here, at page 14.
It is not a standard battery like on your PC, laptops have them wrapped up in some kind of plastic thingie and when replacing them you should replace them with one what's also in the same type of cover. You can see here what I'm talking about.
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