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Why does everything have a blue tint?

I have had my LG 43UF640V 43” smart TV for 2 years and over time, the picture has become more and more tinted. Everything looks a blueish purple.

This problem occurs all the time, with my sky box, DVD player and Netflix and YouTube apps on the smart tv.

I have tried adjusting all the picture settings. I have turned the picture temperature all the way to warm and even this doesn’t help lessen the blue tint. I’ve tried everything.

What might be causing the blueish purple tint?

Any help much appreciated,


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I have compared the colours on my smart tv and pc using the website you gave and basically all the colours are off.

Here’s a rundown of the results:

Red - Considerably Darker on tv

Green - Darker less vivid/bright on tv

Blue - Much brighter/vivid on tv

Cyan - More blueish purple less vivid/bright on tv

Magenta - Biggest difference of all. Much more blueish purple on tv

Yellow - Darker, almost mustard colour on tv

Black - Same on tv and PC

Grey - More like a pale purple on tv

White - Slight hint of ice blue on tv


I have the same problem just have over 2 years and everything looks blue it is a lg 43” smart tv


I have the same problem, how to solve?


Look thru the back of the TV if it's blue it's blue light then it's your back lights


Same issue never buying LG agan,i have always purchased Samsung, my 65 inch is little more than year old an already having issues..should been recalled..but never agan.


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This, is the answer you seek: RGB components dont apply to LCD tv, so you can ignore that (liquid crytal is clear, not coloured) The Blue LED phenomenon exists in LED backlights that are manyfactured by a company called Vestel. Notorious in the TV trade for building sub-standard TVs, and, supplying parts to other manufacturers. Once the Vestel LEDS begin to age, they turn blue, then blow. (its unlikely youl see them blow, as you’ll be so sick of watching a blue tv, youd have done something about it before they had the chance)

The solution is to replace the backlight LED array in its entirity, and not with a Vestel built kit, but any other 3rd party array.

HOWEVER…. Consumer rights act 2015 may provide you wih an alternative way out. The TV must be fit for purpose for 6 years after the date of purchase, otherwise the company you bought it from are liable. Net result = 1 free telly.

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Same problem, whites are blue, and getting worse. Replace back lights? or research Consumer rights act 2015? Can you go more into detail about fixing or getting a new TV?,,, thanks. Frank


Same problem here witb LG 43UH610V

Everything blue spots on white screen


Mine is a similar model (43UH603V-ZE) and just started doing it now... Bought 2 and half years ago! So convenient the warranty already expired...


good luck on collecting on an unenforceable law.


Dennis crane... we collect on this on almost a daily basis on behalf of our customers. 100% success rate.


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this is my screen … apologies for Ian Beal !!!!

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LG customer services say £70 for a fix.... 49" tv .... so it has to be cheaper than getting a new one :( .... still not happy though as the parts used were not fit for purpose.


Honestly is very irritating in my opinion after paying hundreds of dollars for an LG 49UJ670V TV and the next few months it ends up this way. Too bad


In maine we have laws and doesn't matter how long manufacturer warrantees tv. Minimum 4 years from defect as long as it wasn't abused. Many manufacturers and big box retail stores been fighting to change the law thats been on books since the 1970s protecting maine consumers from crap manufactured products. Theve refused to amend or update the law . Retailers been crying to state sayingits not fair and stuff is made cheaper amd dont last as long as it used to but they selling the stuff for all the money. So hopefully I cam find the reciept. I had a washer that was three years old quit working. Called best buy up and told them it stopped working. They tried to make me pay for a repair man to diagnose the problem amd pay for repair. Store wouldn't listen to me when I told them its the law and its their problem amd they need to deal with it. Wasnt abused I take care of my stuff as I work hard to be able to purchase. They refused to do anything. Attorney General contacted them and I had new washer 5 days later!


I love that city 😂


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Ok, every TV made in the last 30 years has some sort of “secret" service menu built in. I'm assuming the color balance of the entire screen has drifted, and the problem is not a bad screen. If there's a bad module or screen, making adjustments will not fix the issue.

So the majority of the LG models are ez to get into service mode. Simply press the “menu" or “ok" buttons on the TV and the remote control at the same time. Some TV models have enter/select/set buttons. Whichever buttons work, after a few seconds the TV will pop up a password entry box. Common LG passwords are 0000, 0413,7777. Enter password, press enter/ok/set button. The correct password will open the service menu.

Be careful in the service menu because changing values of the wrong parameters can disable functions and features of the set. What you are looking for is white balance adjustments.

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Don NOT do this, it will not solve your problem and there is a danger that you could damage the TV more than it already is. sell replacement led bars that are guaranteed to resolve this issue. It is NOT an easy repair however, and should only be undertaken by an experienced engineer. I've dealt with a number of these cases over the years... replacement LED array is the ONLY fix


Can you please give me a link so I can buy the component for this problem please


Still waiting for the above link request. Mine has this issue also but mine is a Samsung.


That link is for the UK.


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Hello all. In response to the “blue screen” problem, please read the answer given by - den@techfixed4u on 03/16/2019 - in the earlier posts above. My LG tv was purchased four and a half years ago, but following den’s advice, I went to Currys/PC World, from whom the tv was bought, stated my reason for requiring a repair, mentioning the Customer Rights Act (2015), and they agreed to repair it without any fuss or argument!

I thought I might have to agree a deduction due to “fair wear and tear” but not so. I had to pay £95 for the tv to be collected and inspected, but if tv was found to be faulty, (which it was) then it would be repaired at no charge, and the £95 would be refunded. So I now have a great tv picture once again and a refund!

Huge thanks to den@techfixed4u and the website. Thanks also to Currys/PCWorld.

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Result. #knowyourrights


I have tried this in store and online repair with curry/pc. They have been less than helpful. Returned tv and said it didn't have warranty so won't touch it!


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My TV from 2017 43 inch is starting to turn blue. You can tell slightly on white colours. And reading from this forum its a dead end chasing anyone for repairs. I guess I'll have to buy new TV when this one gets too annoying.

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first i changed hdmi port which worked for 2 days, bought a high quality hdmi cable which goes from virgin box to hdmi 2, picture quality amazing and no more blue faces


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LED strips need to be replaced. I am a TV repair guy that does this all the time. It can save you a ton of money to have it fixed.

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You guys all say that it can be fixed but for some reason no one is willing to share how to do it. Don't brag if you aren't going to explain.


@shartless I don't think anybody is bragging. Is your TV having the same issues? What make and model is your TV? Replacing the backlight strips is not rocket science but can be a PITA depending on model and size.


@oldturkey03 Thanks for replying to my post. It's a 55" LG Smart TV that I bought new at Best Buy in 2015, so around 7 years ago. It probably has less than 40,000 hours while "ON."


@shartless any chance on finding a model number? might be on a label in the back.....


Problem solved. Brand new LED's. $175 labor and parts. Looks perfect again.


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My 49uj6500 purchased in California at a Costco in September 2017 has developed a blue/purple discoloration, but only in the bottom left corner of the screen.

I usually kept the backlight in the settings to "auto" and this keeps the picture at moderate brightness, except for the occasional movie that's in HDR where the lights are really pushed. Has this shortened the life of the backlights?

For now, the TV is still watchable, but don't know for how much longer. I guess I shouldn't complain, mine has lasted longer than others here. It has almost 15900 hours power on time, according to info in the settings

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My TV works fine when viewing cable but occasionally I get the blue tint when streaming Netflix or Prime. It may be a function of your bandwidth at the time you were viewing. Sometimes there are too many people streaming on the particular internet know your provider has in your neighbourhood. My guess is the problem is when your bandwidth is being throttled. You might want to try another provider or upgrade for more bandwidth.

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Mine has the blue tint too .... gonna call LG and I'll post there response.


I already have made them aware my LG tv is just over 3 years old even threatened with ombudsman consumer affairs etc unfortunately they don’t give a %#*@ or stand bye their product the minute it comes out of warranty they can stick their products where the sun don’t shine


I quite agree. I have just ditched the LG and bought a Sony. It is wonderful colour.


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I noticed the same thing, especially in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 when the Ravagers were sneaking up to the Guardians ship in the forest at night. All of the shadows and blackness were overwashed with blue. It didn't look right.

So I went into my calibration settings on my Vizio P series and adjusted down the blue value in the offset setting by 20 points. Problem solved. I also noticed that pure white looked a little reddish so I bumped up the green and blue by 5or 10 points. Everything looks much better now.

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Sir my t.v. l.g.43 Inch Android problem is blue light on screen. how to solved for setting in remote.


Just contacted LG regarding the problem om my TV which was manufactured in 2016 and has blue patches all over it. Gave them the serial number of it and where I purchased it, which was PC World, in the U.K., LG said that it was a foreign TV so could not do anything about it and advised me to have it repaired locally which in the U.K. id virtually impossible.


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Go to menu

All setting picture test

Follow instructions for uhd

Picture should be back to normal.

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Utter rubbish. See 'solved' answer.


Where is the menu button?


What does no R G B signal mean


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