GE refrigerator PGCS1RKZASS getting warm intermittently
Our refrigerator is getting warm intermittently. Fridge gets warm and freezer mostly seems to stay working, although has warmed a little a couple times but we have not had to pull the food out of it yet (can’t keep perishable food in the fridge. The compressor seems to be working, as well as the fan that blows on it (fast enough that can’t really see the blades). The fan in the back middle of the freezer seems to be spinning well enough too. There are two vents on the left side of the fridge that connect to the door with the ice maker, these vents sometimes get very warm (almost hot to the touch) as well as the area around them. It seems like this is connected to how warm the fridge is getting. When it warms up, it does it pretty quickly and gets to high 60’s by morning (happens often at night). I can usually get the refrigerator working again by messing with it, but haven’t found a consistent method. Sometimes I unplug it for a bit, sometimes just using “turbo cool” for a little while seems to get it going again. I have also put it in diagnostic mode and tried reset and a few other things. I have tried the command to toggle defrost cycle, but it is difficult for me to know what the current state is. Usually some combination of these things gets it working again. I thought it was the thermistor in the fridge but it seems to read the temperature okay and the diagnostic test for those said pass for all of them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Todd, did you ever resolve your issue with your fridge? I have the same model GE fridge and have been experiencing exactly the same problems (warming of the fridge coinciding with warming of left side vents). I have now had GE servicemen here ~5 times without any resolution (the fridge always starts working by the time they get there and then they think I am crazy!!). Would love to know how this issue worked out for you?
by Mary Sarlitto
We have had this same problem for EIGHT months now. Technicians from two different companies have come out and replaced parts (the control, the motherboard and a demister in the freezer) but NOTHING has corrected the issue. The last tech suggested that our freezer did not contain enough large, solid, frozen items so we have since added two containers of frozen water. It has not helped. The freezer dips as low as -6 and the refrigerator as high as 61 degrees and stays warm for 8+hours. At one point, the refrigerator held in the 60s for three and a half days straight yet the contents of the freezer stayed frozen.
We no longer trust storing raw meat and other perishable items in it. It just seems to randomly malfunction more times than it runs properly.
by QJJ
I have had the same problem with my GE Cafe refrigerator. Every so often the fridge warms to 52 degrees and stays that way for about 24 hours and then suddenly starts working again. Of course, the GE technicians can only come three days after we request a service call and by then it is working again. Anyone have any resolutions to share?
by JD Bliss
@qjj was the issue ever fixed?
by JD Bliss
@Mary Sarlitto Was the issue ever fixed?
by JD Bliss
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