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Repair information for the 6th generation iPod nano. Released in September of 2010. Model Number: A1366.

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Why does my Nano keep turning itself off?

I have the 6th generation Nano, and it keeps turning itself off after playing music for about 2 minutes. Battery shows it's charged and good to go. I turn it back on and resume the song that was playing and it goes for about 2 minutes and turns off again. I have looked on Apple's website and others for answer to this problem but have not seen any questions pertaining to this problem. Any ideas?

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I took the ipod to Apple and they are replacing it. They could not find the reason it was turning itself off. They figure it is just a flaw in the internal programing. Thanks for all the suggestions.


nancy, great that you got it going, now all you have left is to accept the answer that helped you to resolve your issue. This way we know your case is closed :-)


Thanks so much for all the help everyone.


I had the same problem - i have returned it and had it replaced - and my brand new replacement is doing the same thing.


I just got replacement and it did the same thing. Then I pushed the ear plugs in all the way and it WORKS! Weird how something like that would make ipod shut itself off. When I took it in to Apple you would think that would have been the first thing the guy would have looked at. Finally I have touch screen ipod that actually works. Now, I have to figure out if I like it or not.


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19 Answers

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Yes when pushing in the headphones, they have to click. No shiny part should be showing.

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Yep tried that too, no luck


Boy, am I glad that I found this forum. My I-Pod Nano would turn off after a minute. All I had to do is push the headphone jack all the way. Thanks so much.


thanks for this,I had same problem would turn itself off after about 2 mins while listening with headphones and now that I have read this and pushed plug right in it works!! You would think the apple service person I sent it to would have thought of this when I said the headphones were playing up!!! Having never had an ipod I didn't realise you had to click it right it, sounds logical now that I know. Cheers


Thanks for this. I just got my nano and I thought maybe one of my kids got a hold of it and ruined it or something! I looked everywhere for troubleshooting support on this issue and found nothing on Apple's website!! How ridiculous is that??!! I couldn't get the radio to work, either. It said I needed to plug the headphones in all the way, but I thought I had. I was literally planning on taking this thing back to the store tomorrow morning until finding this discussion board. Thanks!!


Thanks - I had the same problem. It did not turn off though if connected to the computer via USB. Push the plug right in which is not obvious and it now works without shutting down.


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Make sure your headphones are pushed all the way in.

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It was and still it turned itself off.


I swear I did this on the first nano I had but it did not work. But on my replacement nano that seemed to have done the trick. Go figure.


i was experiencing the same problem. i pushed the headphones in all the way, felt a click, and now it works just fine! well, it works so far... :-)



just make sure your headphones is plugged all the way!mine was doing the same thing and i just pushed them all the way,so now there is no more issues


Same problem here lol I had to push the headphones in hard, my headphones are too big as well :(


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Same problem - Different solution:

Check your jack for JUNK!

Shine a flashlight in that hole. I found some POCKET LINT that was jammed in the socket preventing the headphones from fully seating. I used an ordinary toothpick to sweep it out. Works great now!

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SWEET! I love you man! I was wondering why the !&&* the %#*@ thing didn't go all the way in! you were right about that junk in there lol...geez u are a life saver...have had this thing for over 3 years and never use it caz of that and thought maybe it was a setting so i updated ipod and factory reset it but nothing worked until I saw everyone saying about it not being all the way in and then ur comment really made my day. Thanks a million!


Could not see anything with a torch but poked around in the socket with a toothpick and pocket lint came out by the bucket load. Nano working perfectly now. Many thanks


that was it; thanks! I put a pin in the earphone hole and blew into it to get any lint out. Now it works. Excellent.


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if you look closely at your head phone jack you will notice the he phones aren't all the way inn to you half to push them all the way you will hear a pop and the sound causality will be better

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Thanks for that, trying to be to gentle but forced the jack in all the way and its done the trick, Marvelous many many thanks.


My brand new 6th Gen Nano also does the same. In addition the earphone jack is tempremental and loose. There is no lock button and the off switch is in such a stupid place. Everytime you need to adjust the earphone jack you end up turning it off.

Taking mine back for a refund as it is a really bad piece of kit. Should have learned my lesson with Apple after buying the original first gen ipod with a battery that lasts for about 2 hours. In my experience their products suck.


As Devon suggested, pushed the earphone jack in till it clicked and that seems to have done the trick with the supplied earphones. Thanks dude!

However I still stand by my comment on the off switch and lock button.

Unless someone can advise otherwise! Maybe they should have designed the off switch to be a dual lock switch?

Now just need to find out if I can get on with its functionality.

PS: Sound quality is top notch.


BTW now sussed out the way they have designed the lock feature.

Getting better......guess I should really read the instructions more carefully or just actually read them...........

Sorry Apple.......but still annoyed about my first gen ipod!


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Well I had same issue and the FM radio could not see the antenna (audio plug).

Here I was blaming a firmware update :o(.

But I saw this post and double checked plug , appeared to be in all the way. I could not apply anymore pressure.

Then I tried a bent paper clip in the slot and out popped a bit of pocket lint!

All is working now.

Check the lint trap!!!


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Have had three new nanos all ended up doing same thing volume going down by its self. Apple has problem with these and knows its in moisture getting in some where( thinks its volume bottoms ) I cut off end to a charging cable and left in when running with my nano. Did not help same thing happened on third nano. Try taking dry toothbrush and cleaning charging port and head phone port, helps sometimes!

Apple needs to own up to problem just like they finally did on iPhone antenna / bumper problem. Class action suit would help on nano problem!

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i have rtried that with several headphones but it not working any ideas?? do i just leave it all day with them plugged in ? help me i need it fixed asap

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the same thing happened with my ipod classic. i plugged in my headphones to listen to music like normal. it shut off after 2 min. i realized there was a TINY part showing which means it wasnt fully plugged in all the way. i plugged it in further, it made a click, and now i no longer have this problem. i thought how weird, this is the first time i havent plugged it in all the way.

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In sheer frustration after ensuring headphone jack was completely fully engaged and still cutting out, I took a small pin and and carefully inserted, I saw no lint come away but had no problem after. Just wondering if something had come out of alignment internally. Worth a try

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That's nice but the only Apple store near me is always packed and there's a wait that is just too ridiculous for me to wait in just to get my nano looked at.

Don't know about you but if you leave your iPod in your car in the dead of winter or summer I think the temp extremes can damage the internals of the device, but since Apple can't prove that they just replace it, so good for us I suppose.

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It is probably just an Auto-Lock thing your iDevice turns off every minute automatically. You can alter the Auto-Lock setting on a full iDevice like an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, however, you cannot change this on an iPod nano. It is not a flaw in the programming, yet somewhat annoying sometimes.

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Thx for the help. Fixed the problem . Pocket lint in the ear bud adapted hole. Jay

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I read this post skeptical that using a paperclip in the headphone jack would work. I gave it a try. I did not see any lint come out (blew in the jack afterwords) but voila, it now works! Wish I would have read this while on vacation....

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Ear buds all the way in and the radio had no signal, So I got the ear bud jack wet and I got a radio signal and the nano works! When the jack dries I have to get the jack wet again. I just put a small, small amount of neosporin on the far so good

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The ear jack cleaning did not work for me. However, I noticed that if I plug the I-pod into the charger and plug it in, it does not shut off after a minute. Battery says it is fully charged, so not sure why it is going to sleep unless it is plugged in.

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Nancy just answered MY SAME QUESTION...... push in the ear phone all the way flush and VIOLA......IT WORKS. Thanks Nancy

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My does the same thing I don't know why tho

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I have found that if I leave in my pocket that lint gets in the Jack and doesn't allow contact. I blow mine out with air every now and then and works fine. If you use can air make sure the can is up right and blow air not liquid.

Hope this helps

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Mine started off like that, only playing 30 seconds then turning off, unless it is plugged into a power source. The jack is in all the way, have made sure it's clean. Now I can't get it to connect to a computer at all. Any ideas?

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