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The fourth generation of HP's low-cost, 11.6 inch Chromebook 11, released in 2015.

11 Questions View all

Will Replacing Motherboard Unenroll from Enterprise?

I have this school enrolled chromebook and I graduated last year. I have been trying to unenroll it because my school IT guy never unenrolled it after I graduated. I have tried a lot of old ways of unenrolling and they all never worked. I was thinking maybe if I would get a new motherboard, there would be no data so I would technically be free, right?

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Replacing the hard drive would be easiest. If you remove the hard drive from the machine and wipe it clean, then re install it to the chromebook and restore the original software using the manufacturers website you should be good to go.

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HD is a chip on hp chrome books.....


how would i wipe the hard drive after taking it out?


you connect it to a pc and delete everything on it


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Actually replacing the mother board is easy. Hard drive is firmware. As long as its not a replacement from the same school system yes you will be un-enrolled. Chrome administrator would have to be physically at your screen to enroll you……I am a tech at a school system who are 1 on 1…..Seems all i do these days is repair them.

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Holly Wilcox-Cline but what if you can't unenroll it. I've tried multiple times and it can't be unenrolled.


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I've tried looking for the hard drive but my best guess is that it is soldered into the motherboard, making it hard to remove if I was able to

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Depending on your Chromebook model it might use a WWAN card, my Dell 3100 does.


Idk if you'll see this now but did it work?


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I recently bought an hp Chromebook 11 g4 off of ebay and it has the same situation, so if i was to buy a new motherboard it would work?

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Yes it will work


You dont have to go to that extreme...Just powerwash it and dont re enroll it...I work in a school system and do that all the time.


Having same problem. MY Chromebook has a WWAN Card for a hard drive. I can buy a WWAN Card to USB on Ebay, if I wipe that will it get rid of Enterpise Enrollment? Or do I have to replace the motherboard?


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By the way Powerwashing does not get rid of Enterprise Enrollment if developer mode is disabled.

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