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An E-Cigarette vaporizer is a device used to heat a substance, such as cannabis or tobacco, to a temperature at which it releases a vapor that can be inhaled. It is a reusable alternative to traditional smoking.

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SMOK X Priv firmware

Hi, my x-priv bricked and I didn't find a correct firmware on the official site... The support can't help me. Anyone know the solution? Thanks

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what did you use to update it? I ask because I can NOT find anything for the x-priv myself


when a firmware comes out somebody could leave the link, because I have a problem it says ohm too low even without any atomizer, and if they know how to solve that problem without the much better firmware, thank you!


I now have 2 X PRIV that don't work they both do the same thing and both stopped suddenly. When I get press the power button where it shows the time it will off of 0.1s. It's almost as if you are giving it enough power to light up but not enough to get a hit.The first one was approximately 2 months old and the second one is 65 days old so it's like these things have a two-month time span. I don't know if new firmware will help, but I would sure like to try it might


me gustaria conseguir el firmware le borre el mio al x-priv sin querer si alguien sabe donde descargarlo me deja saber


cant turn mod on now, sure u have a solution for this?


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Hold all buttons WITHOUT batteries and plug into a USB port. Keep holding for ten seconds, throw batteries in while still connected, disonnect and reconnect to turn on. DO NOT TRY AND TURN ON NORMALLY. Use the cable....

This will work on any __-Priv series mod.

Update (07/23/2018)

EPriv and XPriv firmwares are available on 9/1/18 from what I hear. Mag and Gpriv just dropped.

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would you know how to fix a black screen on an x-priv it turned off and only occasionally turns back on it makes it very hard to use


the computer has variable voltage and wattage which is horrible for the batteries and the onboard capacitors even on high-end computers like my Rog Asus R50 the wattage and voltage is all over the place at all times. always use a external charger whatever charger is best for the batteries inside. a simple search and once you find out what the max amperage should be (usually 2. 1) spend 10 or $15 at Walmart for a good quality charger that actually does the trick never use a computer for charging anything it's the stupidest idea ever it's not meant for it.

Buy a nitecore dual bay charger. ($7-10 w/free shipping on eBay/Amazon) charge batteries, leave the mod as I explained in the post. Reset the batteries using both buttons to "jump" them.

how many weight device cannot be bricked unless you flashed a different from where the definition of bricks is when there is a low-level issue in this case it sounds to me like you either have a higher level issue or it's something stupid like batteries or a charge port.


I really need help with the SMOK X-Priv. I just received the Mod in the mail Sept 8, but it will not turn on. I've tried the above mentioned troubleshoot, but the computer won't even recognize that the Mod is plugged into the USB port. What do I do? The screen has not and will not turn on! Is this Mod defective? Do you have any suggestions?


so john are you saying plug it in to your pc or not because you have to different responses one says yes it will fix it and another says no dont it will break it


Mine completely died, wouldnt turn on for anything, I plugged it into my computer for 10 minutes. It turned back on like nothing ever happened, and been working better than it was in the first place.


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I do not believe that SMOK has released a firmware update for the X-Priv. I have been looking all over their website for it but i cannot seem to find it. I believe it is because it is a newer product.

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Is this the real original firmware for X-Priv 1.0.9 ???

I sent an email to the support, to send me the original X-Priv frimware, but I have not received any response yet.

My X-Priv module worked, I put the batteries in charge, and the next day, when I put the batteries on it, I tried to start it, but it did not start at all. The screen is black. I tried with other batteries and the same situation. And Mod is almost new, it's about 6 months since it was bought. And i used it very little, more was in the box.


i just lost my species v2 with super mesh coil was amazing and they didnt have anbother so i went x-priv and having the same issue as yall describing im kinda irritated because what the &&^&! im just gonna send it back with the warranty but I noticed that the bottom of the mod had scratches? so im kinda wondering why a new mod is kinda scruffed up to and wondering if i gott jipped


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I had an overheat with my X-Priv which I’d packed in my carry-on bag for a flight the next morning. Mod was on standby but not powered off. Next morning I woke to a horrible burnt chemical smell and found the inside of my bag burnt. This mod comes with 6 failsafes apparently, over heating and over discharge being two of them.

I use good batteries from Fogstar and test compatibility. These had gone through a few cycles and married well. Dealing with the eBay seller was a headache, so I took it to SMOK. What a complete PITA their customer service is. It took months of emails to them to get redeemable points to shop on the site. I like the X-Priv so ordered another.

Last night it displayed Atomiser Short and got warm even on standby. I took the Firemax mesh tank off, drained it out and cleaned properly, replaced mesh coil. Put two batteries in today and it’s getting very warm even without a tank on it, just sitting on standby.

I’ve absolutely no doubt at all that I’m going to wait for months for someone to respond to the support ticket. SMOK customer service is beyond bad, their tanks are a joke with all the permutations and matching coils, and their X-Priv mod is dangerous. I have pics of the internal melting and scorched batteries, not once did they acknowledge any of it.

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That's exactly why I always remove batteries and put them in the correct storage case while travelling, just not worth the risk, also don't leave it on standby too much, some people even take the batteries out at night, I've not gone that far, but if it seemed a bit too warm, I probably would. I do agree though the X-Priv does get pretty warm pretty fastvabd can be slow to cool down. I use fogstar batteries as well, fantastic quality batteries and I never charge the batteries while still in the mod, don't think it's the batteries themselves at all. Just yeah never ever travel with a mod in storage without turning it off and removing the batteries, fogstar give enough free storage cases to makesure you store them correctly. Also yes Smok customer care is terrible! First thing I did when I got mine was get a new tank for it, havent even used the tank or coils provided, I'll keep it as a emergency spair but that's all, bought a cleito 120 tank for it, works like a dream.


Annoyingly I would have done this, but I checked with the airlines policy and they insisted they be installed! Usually I tape one end of each and put them in a case. I should have taped them before I put them in the mod, I just didn’t think to.

I once had one airline pull 4 plastic cases of matched and marked batteries out for inspection and simply toss 8 fully charged 18650s back into my carry on without putting them in their plastic boxes. Astonishing!


i just looked at fogstar batteries they are no good for x priv not saying bad batts but they are only 10-20a which is too low for high drain x priv needs 20a or above i use efest purple or samsung 25r which both are high drain Sony are also high Amps vts7 s always look at the constant drain of batts not the mah the higher mah the lower the amps 2500mah is the norm for highest drain


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Hey guys, know that it´s probably too late and you hopefully managed to solve the problem, but I got reply from support of SMOK by mail.

So there is hopefully fix for you. Firmware for x-priv!

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Completely bricked my XPRix, do not use this file


Mea culpa, I had put bad batteries in after updating the firmware. I can confirm that the Firmware did work for me.

Do an erase first, then do the update using the APRPOM, it looks for a BIN file but it can be changed to did the Hex file.


The link is gone. Anyone have a link?


need link too


Need it too please


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This is actually the OP I copied

But also do the 5 clicks if doesn’t work:

Hi, Hold all buttons WITHOUT batteries and plug into a USB port. Keep holding for ten seconds, throw batteries in while still connected, disconnect and reconnect to turn on. DO NOT TRY AND TURN ON NORMALLY.

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How many arms and hands do you have ?


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If you bricked it, nothing will reverse it. Some mods have a reset button to stop this happening. Sorry.

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Remember: "bricking" a device requires over flashing, or using wrong firmware during an upgrade. To be quite honest it's usually just a stupid issue or a DoA/Failing product.


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If it seems dead and won't switch on, it can help to connect it to a PC with a USB cable and then try to switch it on. Worked for me when my x-priv would not start in any other way.

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Follow my method and it'll ALWAYS work! You figured it out.


Oerokawami I tried this because i cannot get my x priv on fully charged new batteries as well and when i plugged it in to the USB a screen popped up saying charging for battery A and B and they both are reading 100% only now that I took the USB out because it done nothing as far as turning it on the charging screen it stuck on my screen now. What do i do? Anyone ?


5 quick clicks on the fire button should normally switch it on now.


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Hi, Hold all buttons WITHOUT batteries and plug into a USB port. Keep holding for ten seconds, throw batteries in while still connected, disconnect and reconnect to turn on. DO NOT TRY AND TURN ON NORMALLY.

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So we bought my sister an X-Priv for her birthday in February. My mom and myself also have the same kind. She went to use hers and the screen went black. Does anyone have any idea on how to get it back on? Ive been searching for a solution and I have yet been able to find one…

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Hi. My xPriv shorted out, almost catching on fire. But, before it did, here’s what I found worked:

Remove batteries. Using charging cable, plug into mod, and plug the larger end into a USB port on a pc. Once acknowledged, press and hold all the buttons at once for 10 seconds. Then unplug, insert batteries and it should work. If not, hit the fire button 5 times fast to turn it on. If that doesn’t work either then I don’t have a solution.


How do you remove battery’s the compartment is enclosed


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My xpriv just quit working, when i first out the batteries in the display will come on like normal, then go off like normal, but when i hit the fire button 5 times fast nothing happens….. so i tried the method i read above about holding all three buttons down then hooking it up to usb charger then put batteries in while still holding all buttons so i held all three buttons down and hooked it up to usb but couldn't get the batteries in while still holding the buttons down so i gave up, then i reinserted the batteries and hit the button 5 times quickly and it turned on….. it's now working, my question is is this thing safe now?????????

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As safe as it was before. I had to do what you described a half a dozen times in its life. Then it had a meltdown/short and fried the device. I wouldn’t ever buy another Smok. I’m using a Tesla and an Ageas now.


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Hi I've got the smoke xpriv was working great then one day it stopped every thing comes on as normal but just won't fire I can go into all the settings to change things but I still can't get it to fire I've tried different tanks still no go any body have any ideas what could be wrong with it thanks

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