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The Nutri Ninja is a personal blender by Ninja Kitchen. This blender has no buttons: it starts blending when you insert the cup into the base. It is 900 watts.

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Why is my blender overheating and smoking?

There is a strong smell of burning the last few times I've used the blender. Then when I take the cup off, it is smoking for a little bit. What is the issue?

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I’ve had the same problem and it gets into the smoothie to where I got sick once.. can’t use it anymore.. seems to be smoking from inside the blade cap.. unfortunate for an expensive small appliance..


My smoothie sized one is getting hot and making that smell. The plastic is eating from around the silver piece like bolt that holds it together. I've had problems with both of my ninja blenders. The original full size blender the blade seems to be loose enough that it sometimes will hit the the clear plastic side of the pitcher. Figured out that it too was an issue with the lid and the blade. Again plastic being eaten away from the frictional and was ending up in whatever I was making in there.


I have had this happen, it is caused by the chopper blades not spinning freely. These don't last forever, the bearing starts to seize up. If you continue to use it you will burn the motor up. New choppers are available online, make sure you choose the correct style because they have changed over time.


I’ve had the exact same thing happened and I’ve been making smoothies with that nothings been in there to make it overheat. And it’s almost brand new but yet right past the warranty date this is crazy. Anyone had any restitution from this?


Same here. I contacted Nonja and they simply said as it was a few years old, I should get a new one. If it is a design fault, the company should take responsibility- can yiu imagine how many have gone to landfill?


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OK, it seems to me that what happens is that if we don’t really take care (I’m sure you do, but maybe you, like us, have teenagers in the house that don’t) to thoroughly clean the blade properly each time, then whatever you have blended dries (you often cannot see it) somewhere around the blade spindle. Eventually this dried smoothie builds up and creates friction, which is what creates the noise and the heat, which in turn leads to the smell of burning. I have returned one NutriNinja for a replacement over this issue before I worked out what was happening. I now know it wasn’t faulty, just had this problem of buildup, which was burning because of the friction it caused, and tainting the flavour of whatever I was blending. So, now I take more care when cleaning the blade immediately after blending, really rinsing it thoroughly under the hot tap and every few days put the blade through the dishwasher. This has stopped it happening.

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What about if its new,what is the cause of smoke?


I run a cup of warm water with one drop of dish soap in my blender after I use it , followed by a good rinse and then run a another cup or 2 through it again. That seems to keep under my blades clean where hidden stuff gathers and dries too.


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The issue is the bearing set up is failing. Once that happens, the friction is heating up the metal to the point where it is melting the plastic that surrounds it. Best bet is a replacement blade/lid.

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This question has been asked and answered before, so you might want to look that over:

Why is my blender smoking?

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Actually, it wasn't answered. The link you posted isn't the same blender.


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My Ninja is a Nonja. We’ve had ours for about 2.5 years. It just started doing this. The blase assembly is really hard to turn too. We use this every day, clean it thoroughly, and put it away. I can’t see anything impeding the blade from turning . I think it’s a design flaw. - Oddly, my regular old school blender did the same thing today, except the blade assembly moves freely. Two blenders in two days. Ugh.

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I have had my ninja for about a year and after I made my daughters smoothie today the cup was full of smoke when I opened it and the smell of burning plastic was horrific! It seems as though the plastic or rubber around the blade is deteriorating and essentially melting and burning. I added just ice and water to see what was going on and there were black specks in the ice water and again the cup filled with smoke. I’m wondering if this is an issue Nina would cover under warranty as it seems I’m not the only one this is happening to!

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I bought a year ago ninja blender but now everything I switch some burning plastic smell coming out from bottom what shall do

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