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Released November 4, 2017. Model A1865, A1901. Available as GSM or CDMA / 64 or 256 GB / Silver or Space Gray. (Pronounced the same as "iPhone 10.")

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iPhone warm using facebook?

Good morning,

I was using facebook today and noticed my phone started to feel warm after about 20 minutes of use. Battery also dropped a few percent. Is this normal does this also happen to you??

iPhone X.

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Yes this is normal. For any modern smart phone, the longer the screen is on and the more the 4G or WiFi is being used, the phone will get a bit warm and also, the longer a phone is in active use, the battery will drop accordingly.

The older the phone gets the quicker the battery will drop. You can reduce this by lowering the screen brightness causing your phone not to work as hard or use as much energy.

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I had the brightness turned down a decent amount already I was just wondering if its normal to be warm the quick...


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