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The Galaxy S7 Edge is the curved-screen variant of Samsung's 2016 flagship phone, the Galaxy S7. Announced February 2016 and released on March 11. Model SM-G935.

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How to Diagnose Possible Dead Motherboard

Hello all, 

I'm currently facing an issue with my phone and have done numerous troubleshoots to try to diagnose the issue. Long story short, my phone suddenly died on me one day at 50% battery life and would not turn back on; couldn't boot into Recovery, Download, etc; absolutely no response. I looked at xda threads with this issue like this one: and followed their recommendation to let the battery completely drain over a few days, recharge to full capacity, and attempt to boot again. I was able to boot into download mode and flash a clean build with stock rom. All looked good but when I tried to boot back into System, the phone crashed immediately after the Samsung logo and got the blue notification light of death. Once again, no response so I let the battery deplete overnight, getting rid of the blue light, and recharging my phone to full capacity.

Unfortunately, since then I have not been able to boot the phone again at all. I finally decided to take the arduous task of opening the phone and replacing the battery, which had no effect either. So from my conclusion, I'm assuming my motherboard may be dead. Does anyone have any tips on how to diagnose where the issue may be on the motherboard? I know I can purchase a replacement motherboard but I want to use this as a learning experience and possibly save $100. Any relevant help is appreciated. Thank you!

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i was so f*ked up when my samsung note 5 was down.that rebooting stuff helped me..thank u so much to the publisher..


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Hi , i’ve read your issue and have had numerous phones and along with that numerous problems, I too also like to make thing a learning experience only to be taught the lesson of manufacturer sabatoge. I know it sounds skeptical but bear with me as I explain. So if uv’ed tried all of this below ?.

  1. Step 1: Forced Reboot your Galaxy S7 to make sure it’s not a system crash issue
  2. System crashes are among the most common reasons why a phone won’t turn on or respond to anything. The thing is, your device can’t get out of it without your intervention. So, for this kind of issues, first thing I would do is do the forced reboot procedure:
    1. Press and hold the Volume Down and Power keys together for 10 seconds.
    2. The phone will reboot successfully provided that it was just a system crash and that there’s enough battery left.
  3. Step 2: Charge your phone as the battery might have just been drained


  1. In your description, you mentioned that your device just turned off after the update and won’t respond when the Power key is hit. It could be because its battery was completely drained.
  2. So, after you tried to force your phone to reboot and it didn’t respond, try to plug in the charger and see if the phone charges. Aside from the very obvious reason, you will also know how the phone responds when it senses electricity is flowing through its circuits.
  3. If it doesn’t respond, leave it plugged in for ten minutes and then try the forced reboot procedure again followed by an attempt to turn it on normally. And u tried all that with no luck so now see if....
  4. Step 3: Boot your Galaxy S7 in safe mode


  1. Booting in safe mode will temporarily disable all third-party apps. So, if one of your apps caused the problem, then it should successfully boot in safe mode.
    1. Press and hold the Power key.
    2. As soon as you can see the ‘Samsung Galaxy S7’ on the screen, release the Power key and immediately hold the Volume Down key.
    3. Continue holding the Volume Down button until the device finishes rebooting.
    4. You may release it when you can see ‘Safe mode’ in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. Step 4: Try to boot your device in recovery mode
  3. If your phone can’t boot in safe mode or if it’s still not responding when you hit the power key, you should try booting it in recovery mode to see if it can still power up its hardware.
  4. In recovery, the front-end won’t be loaded but all components are powered up. If the issue is only with the firmware, then your device should boot in recovery mode without any issues.


  1. Turn off your Samsung Galaxy S7.
    1. Press and then hold the Home and Volume UP keys, then press and hold the Power key.
  2. NOTEIt doesn’t matter how long you press and hold the Home and Volume Up keys, it won’t affect the phone but by the time you press and hold the Power key, that’s when the phone starts to respond.
    1. When the Samsung Galaxy S7 shows on the screen, release the Power key but continue holding the Home and Volume Up keys.
    2. When the Android logo shows, you may release both keys and leave the phone be for about 30 to 60 seconds.
  3. NOTEThe “Installing system update” message may show on the screen for several seconds before displaying the Android system recovery menu. This is just the first phase of the entire process.
  4. Step 5: Send the phone in for checkup and/or repair
  5. You’ve done everything you could but your phone is still the turning on. At this point, you have no other choice but to send the phone in for repair or visit a local shop and have the phone checked.


  1. You’re the owner, you know by yourself if the phone suffered physical or liquid damage and if so, then tell the tech about it. And since these damages aren’t covered by warranty, you would have to pay the tech and buy the component needed to make the phone work again.

Troubleshoot Samsung Galaxy S7 that’s not booting up

  1. Troubleshooting: If the phone turns on when you press the Power key but can’t successfully boot up to the Home screen, then it’s most likely a firmware issue especially if something significant happened just recently like firmware and app updates.
  2. We really can’t be sure what happened to your phone but one thing is certain though, there was an update. At least, we have a suspect we can start our troubleshooting with. That said, I think it’s just the system caches that got corrupted and putting that into consideration, here are the things you can do to try to fix this problem:


  1. Step 1: Wipe the cache partition on your Galaxy S7
  2. System caches may have been corrupted during the recent update causing the phone to act abnormally after a few days. You can delete the caches without fear of having to lose your data and files. So, for this problem, that should be the first thing you should do:
    1. Turn off your Samsung Galaxy S7.
    2. Press and then hold the Home and Volume UP keys, then press and hold the Power key.
    3. When the Samsung Galaxy S7 shows on the screen, release the Power key but continue holding the Home and Volume Up keys.
    4. When the Android logo shows, you may release both keys and leave the phone be for about 30 to 60 seconds.
    5. Using the Volume Down key, navigate through the options and highlight ‘wipe cache partition.’
    6. Once highlighted, you may press the Power key to select it.
    7. Now highlight the option ‘Yes’ using the Volume Down key and press the Power button to select it.
    8. Wait until your phone is finished doing the Master Reset. Once completed, highlight ‘Reboot system now’ and press the Power key.
    9. The phone will now reboot longer than usual.
  3. Step 2: Try to do the master reset
  4. Assuming your phone can successfully boot into recovery mode and that wiping the cache partition didn’t fix the problem, then next thing you should do is do the master reset. It will bring the phone back to its default settings as well as formats the data partition. However, you need to make a backup of all your files and data as they’ll be deleted:


  1. Turn off your Samsung Galaxy S7.
    1. Press and then hold the Home and Volume UP keys, then press and hold the Power key.
  2. NOTEIt doesn’t matter how long you press and hold the Home and Volume Up keys, it won’t affect the phone but by the time you press and hold the Power key, that’s when the phone starts to respond.
    1. When the Samsung Galaxy S7 shows on the screen, release the Power key but continue holding the Home and Volume Up keys.
    2. When the Android logo shows, you may release both keys and leave the phone be for about 30 to 60 seconds.
  3. NOTEThe “Installing system update” message may show on the screen for several seconds before displaying the Android system recovery menu. This is just the first phase of the entire process.
    1. Using the Volume Down key, navigate through the options and highlight ‘wipe data / factory reset.’
    2. Once highlighted, you may press the Power key to select it.
    3. Now highlight the option ‘Yes — delete all user data’ using the Volume Down key and press the Power button to select it.
    4. Wait until your phone is finished doing the Master Reset. Once completed, highlight ‘Reboot system now’ and press the Power key.
    5. The phone will now reboot longer than usual.
  4. Step 3: Have the phone checked by a technician
  5. If the first two steps failed, then you have no other option but to have the device checked by an authorized technician. Perhaps, the firmware needs to be reinstalled and if you’re the one to do it, the warranty will be void.First off in my most sincerest tone, without knowing ur device habits it is hard to diagnose or pinpoint a direct solution to ur problem. Android phones are very fun to play with when you’ve rooted your device and gain access to its true potential, but can be a devastating lesson learned when you fork out over half a C-note for some of these phones. With that being said replacing the main board in any phone begs the question of is it worth it? And sometimes yes but often times no….because how much is your time worth and how much time do u want to spend learning from an experience that ends up kickin ur ass, now don’t get me wrong if it’s ur first experience with changing out them parts, don’t let anything or anyone hold u back because when u find that u’ve repaired a piece of personal tech and it works nothing in the world can compare to that feeling or sense of accomplishment and self gratification. I remember my first rebuild it was a Sony Xperia T2 ultra, and I remember it like this….I was a loyal apple fan, still am just not with their mobile devices at that time which was right about when ATT ‘s contract with apple was up (feb2011)and Verizon could then market their VERSION of iPhone with their service attached. And so since my gf at the time worked for a firm getting them 30% off all products and services with Verizon I took the opportunity to get the new iPhone that they offered and boy oh boy was that a mistake but nevertheless had me hating apple and Verizon and i’m pretty hard on phones breaking them often and sometimes scrambling to just buy any phone just to be able to be contacted or just glued to all the apps that u can ever want to apply….and with that and eventually falling for The Android OS which at first seemed intimidating but as time went on I found Android to be some of the most Amazingly user friendly programmable software running devices on the planet, I mean like I was finally seeing the matrix and my effect upon it thru these Android running devices for the first time felt amazing… so like I said before it’s hard to know exactly what ur problem with ur phone is without knowing ur device habits because if u’ve never rooted ur Android device maybe nows a good time to try and see if you can get ur phone into ODIN mode and get some apps that thoroughly diagnose and test ur board one component ata time one byte ata time until u see where ur problem could be, usually it’s a software problem that’s easily remedied or Not but back to my story and so with realizing I felt very cellularly deprived and wanted to feel free from any contract or burden these companies place on u with products that are really fascinating but they garble up actually the purpose of even having a communication and multi functioning multipurpose device with nonsense like it’s 3G or now with 4G even faster on the LTE network…etc etc (the “G”standing for generation) I mean how much data per second do u think any network can offer u and be honest about it….they say 5 G is coming in 2018 but our phones now wouldn’t be able to facilitate that and is the beam of ultra fast data transfer wirelessly even safe for humans anyways ????? It’s no wonder people are ending up anuerisyms and tumors in their heads and on their bodies where there device is often at the most anyways the hype it’s all marketing hype that gets consumers thinkin that what they have already isn’t good enough and to basically buy the same exact thing that can do all the same $@$* as the one u already have except this one thing and that’s them companies going out of business if everyone knew that the phone they already have is just as good as the one their trying to upgrade u to…..and so with that the economic tech industry stays afloat they charge u an extranormally large amount of money for it and i’m not sure when they started doing it but i’ve caught on to some suspicious programming in some of samsungs firmware that is undeniably a result to MANUFACTURER SABATOGE having myself reprogramed many phones firmware because i’m finding that the newer versions of android have a failure code written in it to fail or not to load the OS due to some update it needs or a security issue it has with certain sites and disguises itself in pop ups saying stuff like Android can not verify the credentials of the web page you are about to open or load and that if you are to proceed that they are not responsible for how ur phone acts or behaves if u were to continue…and who reads those anyways we just want what we can’t have anyhow so we go out of our ways to get it and when the fifth generation of phones and service is at everyone’s doorstep what will these companies sell you next ??????? Well crap that questioned started panic in them companies years ago that’s why they hose you with the price and with ur subscription limit ur fast data transfer speeds when ur not so unlimited plan runs past its limits hey wait a minute did u just say my unlimited data plan has limits well yes I did cuz that’s what they do sell u on the idea of unlimited data but in fine print state that once ur past so much gigs of data transfer that ur unlimited data plan becomes limited in the amount of speed ur data can be transfered and so they mind manipulate u with word play and u actually become a victim of a marketing strategy to get u to spend more money for the convenience of having fast data transfer all the time and with all of these they are all hype and scams that lead u to think a certain way in fact to put it mildly it’s a form of marketing manipulation mind control to get u to eventually spend money and to spend it with them . I know it sounds crazy but it’s true . And that’s not why I went into Best Buy one day hoping to get away from all the restrictions and limitations of cellular mobility. No ,that day having been fed up with all restrictions of any kind and all of it !&&* seemed like they all had them , I went in there to see if I could get all the cool crap everyone was talking about in one device without having to spend half a C-note to get it and that’s when I found out SONY made a phone and this was in 2014 the phone was magnificent Xperia T2 Ultra….it was$$ 269.99 and at that time this was the ultimate phone experience anyone could ever get from a phone at least I thought anyhow i’ve probably broke every component in that phone piece buy piece and without falter I bought and replaced every piece and one day having just replaced its third screen i find that the only way it works is if I bend the phone as if I were trying to break it in half so I never to this day am quite sure how this happened but I found myself in a choice of motherboard replacement or new phone and I loved that phone I still have it but it still only works if I hold it like i’m gonna break it in half but I guess what i’m tryin to say is if u think ur phone is worth saving than save it, what’s the worst that can happen…..u end up having to buy a new phone…..well to ease ur pain i’d start the process of acquiring a new phone just in case the repair of ur old doesn’t go as planned and get the part and the right tools for the job ….the tools are important without the right ones u could do more damage than u can fix…..but go with what ur gut says that is Gods gift to all of us is that fail safe device to survive thru our trials and tribulations he promises everyone they will journey thru with the ability to overcome hardships persevere thru any impossible feat and to sense when things aren’t right and sense when things will effect our ability to survive to allow us the opportunity to learn thru experience what it is to live and continue living with free will in this physical form until the time for ascension

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That was some soliloquy!


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When I purchased my iFixit tool kit, my bf bought it and his name is here and can’t change it to me not him. I’m the one repairing phones, I’m Cay.

I was having this same problem with my granddaughters phone. It needed a new charging port #1 and #2 new screen because she broke the back and a piece of glass shard into the camera housing and next to the flex cable that goes to the screen. So none of that holding down buttons etc was going to work, idk until getting into the phone. Installed new screen, charging port, camera, and wireless charging pad and got the phone back on and process of backing up her 5k+ photos on the 32gb phone that was full with no sd card. It kept crashing. I put in an old 256 gb sd card and found out it’s not compatible and therefore wasn’t going to work. Maybe it would have, had I had the correct sd card, oh boy am I learning and idk if it’s been worth it. I couldn’t get it to stay on long enough to back up her photos to Google. Even if I could have Google’s storage would have froze for that amount of photos. So what I learned, charge the phone all the way first. Put in a large sd card second, so if it crashes and the operating system wants to update (is what happened when I held the volume up, home and power button, got the yellow triangle) maybe things would go to the sd card (idk, but probably not). Idk if it’s total trash or not now? Any help would be appreciated?

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