Laptop flickering Screen GPU or Screen
Hello, I have a laptop that has a flickering screen, when I connect it to hdmi monitor the screen says no signal. Is there any way to check if the GPU has problem or the screen?
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Hello, I have a laptop that has a flickering screen, when I connect it to hdmi monitor the screen says no signal. Is there any way to check if the GPU has problem or the screen?
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Well, I swapped the screen with another laptop I had and I saw that finally @jayeff was right, LVDS cable had problem and that was the reason of the flickering screen.
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Just checking that you are operating Fn + F7 to view the display on the external monitor?
by jayeff
@jayeff I tried but it seems like non function. Also when it tries to boot on windows, it shows just black screen.
by Savvas Giannoukas
Do you get the Sony splash screen on start up?
Can you get into BIOS (press F2 on startup) and check if the display works OK there?
What OS is installed?
by jayeff
@jayeff On startup it shows the Vaio logo and I can access bios but it still does the same problem.
by Savvas Giannoukas
At this stage you still don't know if you're booting into windows or not so maybe that's why the external monitor doesn't work i.e. the no signal message.
Since it is still flickering in BIOS and hoping for the best it could be a loose LVDS cable connection (at either end - motherboard or laptop), a faulty LVDS cable (as the cable passes through the hinge, press around the hinge area (left or right I’m not sure re your laptop) to see if you can make the flickering stop or if the screen goes black completely when you are in BIOS to see if the cable may be damaged in this area) or a faulty screen.
Here's a link to a video that shows how to dis-assemble the laptop.
Not that you have to go that far but it should help as it shows how to access the various components in the laptop.
by jayeff
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