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Released September 22, 2017. Model A1864, A1897. Available as GSM or CDMA, 64 or 256 GB Storage Options, and the color options are gold, silver, and space gray.

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iPhone making crazy noise and restarting when home button is pressed

I replaced a charging port on iphone 8plus. Was very careful when taking everything apart, put everything back together and tested the charging port,and it was fine. Charging port worked. Started testing the screen and when I pressed home, it made this crazy beep sound and would sometimes restart itself afterwards. Some presses, the button doesnt make the noise, most presses it does. Some presses it makes the noise and then restarts immediately after. I dont know whats going on. iOS is up to date. Everything seems completely fine. No screw mixups, no static discharges, no punctures or drops. The phone also did NOT do this before changing the charge port. PLEASE this is not my phone this is someone elses and i need to fix it asap or they have to get it replaced. I have no found any answers anywhere on this issue.

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Is it actually beeping or just vibrating very high pitched? Try to feel the Taptic Engine when you press the button.

I've seen this before that the Taptic Engine was a little loose and what should be the click on the home button turns into a weird buzz.

Also check the Home button cable. Make sure there is no damage to it.


Ive checked home button for damage, nothing that i could see. And i didnt touch it when doing the charge port replace as i didnt replace the screen.

I thought it might be the taptic engine so i took it back apart and put it in again, and still had the same issue. I dont know if it sa high pitched vibrate but its a crazy sound. kinda resembles the tone youd get when you were starting up your dialup internet back in the day.


That's kinda what I thought but it was worth taking a look. Ive looked around online and see other people have had a similar issue. Crazy buzzing sound but no solution apart from simply turn off and turn on.

Do you notice it when the phone does other haptics? Turn on and off silent mode? Force Touch? or is it only with the home button.

Do you have another home button to test with? I know Apple ID won't work but I just want to see if it still crashes and or makes a noise when touched.

Do you have another Taptic Engine to test with?

Can you try do a Backup and Restore back to factory settings? Or DFU Restore? Just to eliminate software.


I dont have another taptic or home button for it as ive always switched them over from the old screen. But yeah it only happens with the home button. And sometimes it doesnt happen, but its happening quite frequently. Ive combed the internet for solutions but no one has posted anything relevant.

I tried soft resets and what not. But i didn't want to wipe the data and such on it if that wasnt going to be the for sure fix. SO i havent gone through with a full restore.


Fair enough,

Honestly at this point, as there are not many other options, I would do a backup and try restoring it. Test it first with the factory settings before restoring user data.


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3 Answers

Since you have the charge port working, make sure the battery has a charge and replace the charge port again with the old not working one (I know it’s not ideal) and if it doesnt make that noise then its the new charge port causing some ground or short.

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the flex from the vibrate are pretty flimsy and easy to tear, I would inspect this closely, also check that the charge flex is seated correctly. To check the new charge flex isn't the problem, temporeraly attach the vibrate to the old flex and hang it in the phone to check the vibrate works as it should or not.

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Hey man idk if this helps but I have iPhone 8 Plus as well and I just woke up and I tapped the home button and it kept beeping but I just powered off my phone then turned it on and now it’s doesn’t make the noise

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