How to remove anti-glare coating effectively?
This is my progress on removing the anti-glare coating after 2 hours. I tried Listerine, 90% alcohol, Peek Metal Polish, anti-bacterial wipes, bleach, and nail polish remover w/ acetone (before I read that someone else damaged the glass itself because of acetone). Luckily, my glass is still fine. Unfortunately, I haven't made much progress as you can see from the picture. I'm confused to why none of the solutions isn't working for me. Some said that Listerine alone worked well along with a microfiber cloth. I tried that but since it didn't work I moved on to try all the other solutions I mentioned. Is anyone else having this issue dispite of trying all kinds of solutions? And is there any other alternatives that would make it simple to remove w/o much time being spent?
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I tried them all as well, but purchased a small bottle of 3M 60150 Glass polish from a auto paint store and used a scouring pad and it took some time but it came off way faster.
by Randy Kaminsky
I used quixx plastic polish, tried listerine, alcohol, everything, then I was stuck with the middle of the screen that did not want to go off, quixx did it in 30 minutes, it looks like brand new. I do not miss the antiglare coating....
by M. Sosa
@M. Sosa Thanks for the comment. Which quixx product did you use exactly? I did a search on amazon and there are few quixx products. Was it Quixx 00070-US Paint Scratch Remover Kit or something else?
by Dylan P
@jumponweb I used this one
Do aplly some pressure but not too much. At the beginning it seams as it would not work and then it starts to go off. It is great now..
Do not use sandpaper!!
by M. Sosa
Thank you for your advise. I have tried that and it does not work.
by Alexander Boubaris
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