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Repair information and guides for the iPhone 6 that was released on September 19, 2014. Model Numbers: A1549, A1586, and A1589

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Earpiece speaker is not working

Long story short the earpiece speaker is not working but the front camera and speakerphone are. Have tried swapping cables and swapping speakers and still doesn’t work.

More details: About a year ago I dropped my phone and the glass cracked. I ordered a whole new front screen assembly. Swapped it out and worked great, no issues. I ordered it from Etradesupply and was supposed to be all genuine parts with Apple logo etc. but when I got it, there were no logos on the ribbon cables. Contacted them and they mentioned they put marker over the logos for shipping purposes and I could rub it off with rubbing alcohol. I didn’t really care to open my phone back up, so I just left it.

Fast forward to yesterday when I was considering selling my phone. I wanted to know if it indeed had original screen parts so I could give a good description for the buyer. Opened it up, didn’t have rubbing alcohol so used a q tip dipped in acetone and gently removed the marker (dumb I now realize). Since reassembling, the earpiece speaker does not work at all but the front camera still does.

Thinking I may have damaged the cable with the acetone I swapped out the cable with the cable from my old display, but same thing—no sound from earpiece speaker but front camera works. Have also tried swapping out the actual speaker and all combinations of cable and earpiece speaker and nothing has worked, same thing every time.

Not sure what this issue is if swapping out the ribbon cable and also trying a different speaker don’t fix the issue. I’m at a loss.

any ideas? Thanks!!

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factory reset via itunes maybe? with a replacement prox cable and ear speaker it’s probably either software or mobo issue.

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Just tried factory reset, didn't work unfortunately.

It's just so strange to me. I was gentle with everything, and nothing looks to be damaged. Anything else you would try, or should I give up?


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Sorry to bump, but anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much!

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