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Released November 4, 2017. Model A1865, A1901. Available as GSM or CDMA / 64 or 256 GB / Silver or Space Gray. (Pronounced the same as "iPhone 10.")

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iPhone x water indicator

hey i was wondering if somone has solved this issue before so ive repaired an iphone x for the store i work for screen and housing but i forgot to put a water indicator on the screen so i opened it and put it in 100x over and over but i still cant see it through the sim tray ? im puttin it in the correct place too .

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hey i was wondering if somone has solved this issue before so ive repaired an iphone x for the store i work for screen and housing but i forgot to put a water indicator on the screen so i opened it and put it in 100x over and over but i still cant see it through the sim tray ? im puttin it in the correct place too .


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Have you used a flashlight to see the indicator? You also can put a LCI that is activated and maybe because it have a red color it is more visible.

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i put an indicator sticker in there myself its white but i cant see it ive used flash light / pentiscope also to try and see it but its not there i was wondering would it be the motherbord stopping it maybe its to close to the sim card hole for there to even be a gap to see the indicator


If the LCI is activated ( red collored) it is more visible, have you tried to activated the LCI and look if it is now visible? You can relocate the LCI just a few mm further or closer maybe that will help.


yes ive now tried and still can not be seen ive tried to relocate it lots of times :(


I just checked it at my iphone x and it is clearly visible the LCI, i think you must relocate the LCI and for reverence search GooGle for some picture ore use a old screen so you see where it is located..

Have you looked at the right spot? You must turn your iphone upside down, screen downwards, backhousing upwards!

Have you tried it, can you see the LCI ?


yes i have put the sticker in the correct place (as i have since forever ) turns out my motherbord was not sitting correctly so i took it out and put in back in now i can see it . thank you for your help today.


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