iPhone XS restarting after charging port replacement
So i replaced the charging port in my iPhone XS today. This was my first attempt at fixing a phone so i was nervous but i actually pulled it off. However, after the install my phone would keep restarting every 3 minutes. I went through the phone 3 times looking for something that i didn’t hook up quite right or left out only to find nothing. So i put the original charging port back in and boom no restart phone works like normal.. after doing a little research i found out I’m not the only one this has happened to. I’m guessing Apple has some sort of lock on all they’re parts so that you have to send the phone to them for an expensive repair? Is there any way around this or am i just out a bunch of time and money?
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unfortunately i have come across this problem multiple times and have found out that it is a faulty new charge port. I would test another new charge port as it may work straight away.
by Jade Richards
okay i will try another one!
by Jayson Powers