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Repair information for the HP EliteBook 2530p. This 12.1" laptop was released in late 2008. It originally shipped with Windows XP or Vista when new.

3 Questions View all

hp2540p does not power-up after fan cleaning

hi all, i cleaned the cpu fan due to excessive noise. it does not power on after i put all pieces back again. i receive continuous white blinking on the power led when i connect the adaptor cable. i tried everything on hp support guidelines. i would appreciate if any of you have suggestions for this. thx..))

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yes i did removed the battery mike, thx for your answer..))

actually my device is an 2540p, i choosed 2530p since there was no 2540p in the options when i was submitting the question, anyway..

i did rechecked every connector as you suggested. now the behaviour of the led has changed: power led stays blue for 3 seconds and then fast flashes blue for 11 time or so then it turns yellow for half a second and it goes away. this happens only the adaptor cable is connected; when there’s only the battery, power button does not do anything.

does this mean anything new to you?




Manual refers to your "Blue" as "White" but yes it does look bluish.

Does nothing appear on the screen at all?


@aactech no, nothing at all


Hi @umt

I edited the answer below. Let me know about the lights including "Number of Blinking CapsLock/NumLock or Beeps"


Your Q: Which lights are you referring to?

I’m referring the battery led.

Power button pressed when the battery is in place and the adaptor is connected: The led is amber for 2 sec, then starts flashing for 3-4 sec and goes off.

Power button pressed when the battery is in place and the adaptor is DISconnected: Led is off at all.

I appreciate your responses. nevertheless, i’m getting convinced that there’s something damaged and i should take it to a service shop..))

kind regards


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You did take the battery out before cleaning the fan, right?

Probably a connector was not proberly reconnected or was already loose during the re-assmbly.

Just recheck everything.

Here is the HP Service Manual:

There are a number of HP EliteBook 2530p disassemble videos on YouTube.

Now to make things clear. Which lights are you referring to?

Lights on left front:

  1. Wireless light - Blue=on; amber=off
  2. Power light - Blinking=sleep or standby; On=On; Off=Hibernation or Off
  3. Battery light - Amber=Battery charging; White=close to full charge; Blinking Amber= battery low with charger unplugged; Off=battery is fully charged when charger is plugged in.
  4. Drive light - White=drive is being accessed; Amber=drive parked by 3D DriveGuard

Number of Blinking CapsLock/NumLock or Beeps:


Have you tried resetting the BIOS?

Turn off laptop.

Unplug charger/power supply.

Remove Battery.

Open case and remove CMOS coin battery.

Press and hold power button for 20 seconds.

Put CMOS battery back in.

Plug in powersupply/charger

Press power button. Does it turn on?

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i’m away from that computer. i will try and let you know..thx a lot


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