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HP's notebook comes with an Intel Core i5 processor, Nvidia Quadro K1000M GPU, and a HD+ display . This high functioning mobile workstation was released in 2012.

10 Questions View all

Docking port shorted - now what?

So one day, I set down my computer on the table, come back and turn it on. I get a second of display, and it shuts back off, and the docking port starts to smoke. Turns out a piece of tomato of all things got into the docking port and was shorting it out. So I disconnect the power and the battery and clean the docking port with some rubbing alcohol, dry it thoroughly, and let it sit overnight. I discover that it works fine unless you try to put the charger in, then the docking port and only the docking port smokes. There is now a divot in it and there was a tiny amount of melted plastic in there. I never use the docking port. Is it time to replace the motherboard or is there a workaround or way to charge without that port smoking? For reference, my motherboard model is HP 686971-001.

EDIT: I just realized this is my first post on this site. I knew about ifixit and really like and support what you guys do. Thanks!

Update (10/19/2020)

UPDATE: I finally ordered the replacement mobo, thank you guys for all the help!

Update (11/07/2020)

Well, sure enough, I went in, replaced the motherboard, and now it works and charges fine. Thanks everyone for your help in this! I actually ended up buying the ifixit toolkit!

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I have the same model. Very easy to open up with a simple sliding panel to give access to hard drive, wifi, etc.

Unfortunately the docking port is a little deeper but just requires a few screws to be removed.

The HP service manual does not specifically show this part.

Here's a teardown video which might help you:

Give me some time to tear it down and I'll get back to you.

Oh and just an aside:

Rubbing alcohol is a vague term. What is best for electronics is 99-100% isopropyl alcohol, available from electronic supply houses. The other mixtures typically have approximately 30% water which of course is conductive, can cause rust and much slower to evaporate. They also have other impurities such as salt, etc. which can increase resistance on electical contacts.


Yes, I thought that was a great thing that it's so easy to get into. Unfortunately, I did some research and watched the video, and by the looks of it the docking port is attached to the mobo. I couldn't tell you what alcohol I used but I'm fairly sure, in hindsight, that it did have an amount of water, which isn't great. And thank you for the video, I haven't seen it! Unfortunately it's for the 8570w model - I have an 8570p model, and can see some differences.



Seems as though there is a problem in the port itself

Here’s the maintenance and service guide for the laptop.

Go to p.116 to view the necessary pre-requiste steps and then the procedure to replace the Power Connector cable (part # 686308-001).

Unfortunately if you order the replacement cable using the part number you get the complete cable kit comprising the Bluetooth module cable, MIMO cable, modem module cable, power connector cable, WLAN antenna cables, and WWAN antenna cables. It does state this in the Note at the top of p.116

Here is one supplier of the power cable connector only. There may be others that suit you better. Just search for HP 8570p power connect cable part to get results


Problem is, I don't mean the power port, I mean the docking port for a docking station on the bottom. I'm reasonably certain it's the docking port that smokes because I can see the damage on that part specifically and saw the smoke rising off of it.




What is the motherboard's board number?

Perhaps if the schematics can be found it may help in finding a workaround. Just a thought


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Claims to be a good working MB

Let the buyer beware!

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Thanks! That's not too expensive. Sorry about the late reply


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