Connector that keeps the Switch fan connected broke off
I've caused a friend's switch some damage that the fan is not operating now. Everything else works fine thankfully, but it seems like the gray clamp that keeps the connection together snapped off and it looks like the pin on top broke off with it. Here is the condition it is in.
Compared to the image shown here in iFixIt:
This seems like it requires some solder work on the motherboard with a replacement ribbon clamp. Can anyone confirm this is the case or is are there any suggestions we can try?
So far, putting pressure in the area does not help nor did any electrical tape with pressure did either.
Update (05/10/2022)
Update to @flannelist. Looks like the connectors look okay? I haven't had any luck trying to put pressure getting the fan to turn on unfortunately. I did order extra pieces of this on this site. Seems like soldering will be needed for this.
Thanks all for looking at this issue!
Is this a good question?
Connector looks okay to me too. Might some other issue down the road, but definitely replacing the connector is a solid plan to start.
by Alisha C
Loose connection, the fan ribbon cable isn’t really well thought out. I used piece of safe foam and electrical tape to hold pressure under the heat transfer copper (not sure what its called) fan works fine now. I added conductive glue just in case. Take my info with a massive grain of salt though I am a rookie at absolute best
by Wally King
I mean I have this problem too and I can't solder the problem because I don't have a soldering tools
by Dylan McClain