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The Huawei MediaPad M3 is an Android tablet launched in October 2016. Model numbers: BTV-DL09, BTV-W09.

4 Questions View all

How do I replace my screen?

My screen for the M3 recently got broken and it has many pieces falling out. I need a guide on how to replace it, or at least where I can.

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Looks like you came to the right place; iFixit does have a guide showing you step by step how to remove and replace the screen on your tablet.

Huawei MediaPad M3 Display Assembly Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide

Although the instructions call for using a heat gun, I've found that an ordinary hair dryer will generally work in these sorts of repairs. It may take a little longer to soften the adhesive, but with patience you shouldn't have any problems.

Of course, you'll need a replacement part too; those appear to be readily available on such sites as Amazon, eBay and AliExpress. It appears that some of them come with or without the home button, but since the available guide doesn't give instructions for replacing that button, I'd suggest getting one that comes with it unless you want to try figuring out how to replace it on your own. Hey, if you do you could always write your own guide on Home Button Replacement!

Anyway, here are a representative few that came up on my admittedly cursory search.

Original 8.4" Lcd For Huawei Mediapad M3 Btv-w09 Btv-dl09 Lcd Display Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly For Mediapad M3 Lcd Home - Tablet Lcds & Panels - AliExpress LCD Display Screen with Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly for Huawei 8.4" MediaPad M3 White : Cell Phones & Accessories

LCD Display Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly For Huawei MediaPad m3 8.4 m5 8.4

Good luck with your repair; let us know how it goes! If you have any questions, we'll be happy to try and answer them for you.

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